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Res. #11-011 - Supporting the Concept of Coop. & Collab. w/Anoka County
City Council
Res. #11-011 - Supporting the Concept of Coop. & Collab. w/Anoka County
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8/26/2011 12:24:26 PM
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Res. #I1 -0 // <br />A Resolution of the City of Centerville Supporting the Concept of Cooperation and Collaboration to <br />Promoting Greater Efficiency in the Use of Public Resources <br />WHEREAS, the county, cities, and school districts in Anoka County have been meeting to explore and <br />improve the cooperation and collaboration between the local units of government; and, <br />WHEREAS, the local units of government in Anoka County have a history of working together to <br />reduce costs and provide efficient services; and, <br />WHEREAS, the economic, social, and civic environments continue to change requiring local units of <br />government to develop new methods of service delivery; and, <br />WHEREAS, the changes in the roles and working relationships of elected officials, staff, and <br />constituents, the evolution of the services to be delivered, and the degree and accountability of authority require <br />vision - driven leadership; and, <br />WHEREAS, we must lead through an uncertain financial future, unstable economic conditions, <br />undesirable financial trends, unfamiliar budget practices, changing organizational models, worried employees, <br />and a concerned population: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Centerville embraces the concept of <br />cooperation and collaboration to promote greater efficiency in the use of public resources and is committed to <br />exploring opportunities. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of Centerville supports the efforts of the City, County, and <br />School Collaboration Project and endorse the five principal focus areas: <br />1. Trust and Information Sharing: Establishing an environment of trust among the cities, county, and <br />school districts, and developing better working relationships and providing more cost - effective public <br />services. <br />2. Service Sharing. Facilitating efficient and cost - effective sharing of services, facilities, and other <br />resources. <br />3. Fiber and Technology: Maximizing the use of fiber and shared technology to support public services. <br />4. Economic Development: Promoting a business - friendly environment that expands and retains a <br />dynamic range of business and industry within our communities. <br />S. Citizen Communication: Developing effective, consistent, and ongoing communication networks with <br />citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders. <br />BE IT FLIRTER RESOLVED THAT Staff of the City of Centerville at all levels are encouraged and <br />directed to work with their counterparts in other governmental units to identify opportunities for cooperation <br />and consolidation and recommend these opportunities to their supervisors. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the managers and supervisors of this City are hereby authorized <br />to test opportunities for cooperation and consolidation of services and implement them where practical. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />
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