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MINNESOTA WATER AGENCY RESPONSE <br /> NETWORK (MnWARN) MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT <br /> This Minnesota Water Agency Response Nefinrork (MnWARN) Mutual Aid Agreement is made <br /> and entered into by the undersigned Parties. <br /> WHEREAS, the Parties hereto are authorized by law or home rule charter to establish a water, <br /> wastewater or storm water utiliry; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Parties hereto have established a water, wastewater and/or storm water utility; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the Parties recognize that an Emergency may require Assistance in the form of <br /> personnel, equipment and supplies from a Utility outside the Governmental Unit; and <br /> WHEREAS, the goveming bodies of the Parties have investigated the facts and determined that <br /> it is in their best interests to authorize their Utilities to work cooperatively with another Party's <br /> Utilities when there is an Emergency; and <br /> WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 authorizes the Parties by agreement of their <br /> governing bodies to jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to them. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants made herein, the Parties agree <br /> as follows: <br /> ARTICLE I <br /> PURPOSE <br /> The Parties recognize that in an Emergency, their Utilities may require Assistance in the form of <br /> personnel, equipment and supplies from outside the area of impact. The purpose of this <br /> Agreement is to provide a framework, in the event of an Emergency, for the Parties to <br /> participate in an intrastate program for mutual aid assistance to provide water, wastewater and <br /> storm water utility services. The Parties authorize their Utilities to cooperatively assist other <br /> Party's Utilities when there is an Emergency, subject to the discretion of the Responding Party's <br /> Authorized Official as set forth in Article IV. <br />