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Res. #11-013 - Authorizing Gov. Unit to be a Party to MnWARN
City Council
Res. #11-013 - Authorizing Gov. Unit to be a Party to MnWARN
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11/3/2011 12:19:02 PM
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7/15/2011 11:08:11 AM
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shall be established by the bylaws of the Statewide Committee. The officers shall <br /> have the following powers: <br /> a. Chair. The Chair shall have no more power than any other member of the <br /> Statewide Committee except that the Chair shall act as the presiding officer at all <br /> Statewide Committee meetings and may have other duties as assigned from time <br /> to time and prescribed by the Statewide Committee. <br /> b. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall act as the presiding officer at any Statewide <br /> Committee meeting not attended by the Chair and shall perform the Chair's duties <br /> in the Chair's absence. The Vice-Chair may have other duties as assigned from <br /> time to time and prescribed by the Statewide Committee. <br /> c. Secretarv. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that minutes are <br /> prepared for all Statewide Committee meetings. The Secretary shall also keep all <br /> books and records of the Statewide Committee and shall give all notices required <br /> by law, and may have other duties as assigned from time to time and prescribed by <br /> the Statewide Committee. The Statewide Committee may delegate all or part of <br /> the Secretary's duties required under this Section to another person; provided that <br /> such delegation shall not relieve the Secretary of ultimate responsibility for these <br /> duties <br /> 4. Powers. The Statewide Committee shali have the following powers: <br /> a. To coordinate emergency planning and response activities of Utilities in � <br /> coordination with the emergency management and public health system of the <br /> State; <br /> b. To adopt policies and procedures to further the purpose of MnWARN; I <br /> c. To establish committees, including regional committees, to assist in implementing ' <br /> the purpose of MnWARN; <br /> d. To develop a resource list of personnel, equipment, supplies and other resources <br /> that may be used to provide Assistance; <br /> e. To establish a website to facilitate the Parties' use of MnWARN; <br /> f. To develop protocols, forms or procedures for Parties to request assistance; <br /> g. To develop educational materials; and <br /> h. To develop training materials and conduct training for Parties. <br /> 5. Meetinas. The Statewide Committee shall hold meetings as follows: <br /> a. Oraanizational Meetin4. An organizational meeting shall be held at a time and <br /> place to be determined by the Steering Committee. <br /> b. ReQUlar Meetinas. Thereafter, the Statewide Committee shall meet at least <br /> annually. A schedule of regular meetings may be adopted by the Statewide <br /> 4 <br />
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