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Res. #11-013 - Authorizing Gov. Unit to be a Party to MnWARN
City Council
Res. #11-013 - Authorizing Gov. Unit to be a Party to MnWARN
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11/3/2011 12:19:02 PM
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7/15/2011 11:08:11 AM
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activities with the Responding Party's Authorized Official. Whenever practical, Responding <br /> Party personnel should plan to be self sufficient for up to 72 hours. <br /> C. Food and Shelter. The Receiving Party shall supply reasonable food and shelter for <br /> Responding Party personnel for Assistance that is provided for more than 72 hours. If the <br /> Receiving Party is unable to provide food and shelter for a Responding Party's personnel, <br /> the Responding Party's Authorized Official or designee is authorized to secure food and <br /> shelter for its personnel and shall be entitled to reimbursement for such expenses from the <br /> Receiving Party. Reimbursement for food and shelter shall reflect the actual costs incurred <br /> by the Responding Party. If receipts are not available, the Responding Party cannot request <br /> reimbursement in excess of the State per diem rates for that area. <br /> D. Communication. The Receiving Party shall provide Responding Party personnel with radio <br /> equipment as available, or radio frequency information to program existing radios, in order <br /> to facilitate communication among personnel providing Assistance. <br /> E. Status. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Responding Party's officers and employees <br /> retain the same privileges, immunities, rights, duties, and benefits as provided in their <br /> respective jurisdictions. <br /> F. Licenses and Permits. To the extent permitted by law, Responding Party personnel who <br /> hold licenses, certificates, or permits evidencing professional, mechanical, or other skills <br /> shall be allowed to carry out activities and tasks relevant and related to their respective <br /> credentials during the Period of Assistance. <br /> G. Riaht to Withdraw. The Responding Party's Authorized Official retains the right to withdraw ! <br /> some or all of its resources at any time. Notice of intention to withdraw must be i <br /> communicated to the Receiving Party's Authorized Official as soon as possible. � <br /> ARTICLE VI <br /> COST REIMBURSEMENT I <br /> Unless otherwise mutually agreed in whole or in part, the Receiving Party shall reimburse the !I <br /> Responding Party for each of the following categories of costs incurred while providing <br /> Assistance during the Period of Assistance. <br /> A. Personnel. A Responding Party shall be reimbursed for its actual costs paid to personnel <br /> providing Assistance during the Period of Assistance. The Responding Party's designated <br /> supervisor(s) must keep accurate records of work performed by personnel during the Period <br /> of Assistance. Reimbursement to the Responding Party must consider all personnel costs, <br /> such as salaries or hourly wages, including overtime, and costs for fringe benefits and <br /> indirect costs. <br /> B. Equipment. The Receiving Party shall reimburse the Responding Party for the use of <br /> equipment during a Period of Assistance pursuant to the Responding Party's rate schedule. <br /> If the Responding Party does not have a rate schedule, the rates for equipment use must be <br /> based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Schedule of Equipment <br /> Rates. If a Responding Party uses rates different from those in the FEMA Schedule of <br /> Equipment Rates, the Responding Party must provide such rates in writing to the Receiving <br /> Party prior to supplying Assistance. Reimbursement for equipment not referenced on a <br /> Party's rate schedule or the FEMA Schedule of Equipment Rates must be developed based <br /> on actual recovery of costs. <br /> 6 <br />
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