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•�R1DAYFAX <br /> L. rasa -mwear Vol. 3, No. 13 <br /> Gina o " +U�4 A wea,ay l4 ;!rv,' lattve update flom the League of Minnesota Cities April 3, 1998 <br /> Storm legislaticm introduced <br /> Potential penalty - <br /> Several Aiis In hdip stont>'i>ad taxes for counties affected by the aonvr <br /> areas of!m ) <br /> r4rionMirwmsotahane farms ifbuslnass <br /> been introauced this week. A biii oy AY of these provisions are in- assistance forms <br /> Senators Vickerman (DFL- Tracy), duded Ina comprehensive disaster , not submitted to DiED by <br /> Hollinger(DFL- Mankato), Frederick- relief bill expected to be introduced to- April 15 <br /> son (R449w Ulm), NeuMile (R-North- day by the members of the Tax Con - With less then two weeks until the <br /> field), and Beckman (DFL- Bricelvn) ferance Corrvriittae. The bill will extend d fewerthan 100 ritieG <br /> and Re!preaatnb i;;,Tjs Con tl)I'I_ men; of bast yes, s float reN"0;.,ri• ha'!e suo"littNtl MIA SNU3e(G �1' <br /> Mankato) and H. Swenson (R- Nicoltet) alone to the start - affected areas. The sistance form" low figure in <br /> would appropriate state money for the bill wili also extend income tax filing I comparison to past yearsaccord- <br /> local match for federal disaster aid, and property tax payment deadlines ing to the Department of Trade <br /> A bill by Representatives Harder forstorm victims, allow affected noun- and Economic Development <br /> (R- Jackson), Tumor (R- Northtekt), ties to abate certain property taxes, (DIED). A 1995 law requires state <br /> H. Swenson, Winter(DFL- Fulda), provide stator money W reimburse bcal and local govemmentagenaesto <br /> and R. Johnson (DFLSt, Peter) would governments forlostor abated prop- report annually on businesses re- <br /> authorize the early payment of LGA erty taxes, and authorize cities and ceiving assistance until job and <br /> and HACA to storm - affected munici- counties to provide relief W affected wage goals are achieved. <br /> palitiss. A bill by Representatives municipalities. Also included in this Given the Corporate Subsidy <br /> Workman (R- Chanhassen), R. John- bill additional relief and aid measures Reform Commission's recent re- <br /> son, Tuma, H. Swenson, and Harder for areas affected by last year's port which recommended impos- <br /> wouldwaivescild waste management floods, Ingapenalty for agencies failing <br /> to submit the required forms, it is <br /> Compromise reached on corporation issue tos mitt i or ms t hisy a <br /> p tosubmktheirfomtsthisyea A r. <br /> Late in the session lastyear, the state dons may be expending public dollars high-level of reporting compliance <br /> auditor questioned the ability of local without appropriate accountability may help head- otpotentiallegis- I <br /> governmentsto create for- profltor measures such as open meetings. Cation incorporating a penalty. <br /> non -profit corporattons, Legislation The auditorwill then rommmend to the Conversely, another year of poor <br /> was passed stating that such corpora- Legislature which accountability laws reporting could easily breathe raw <br /> tlons could be created only with ex- that apply to local governments should life into such potential proposals, <br /> pilca legislative authority .Several also apply to thecorporatons. I Mali your cities business as- iI <br /> weeks ago the League learned the While we still have Issues with the sistance forms to'. Minnesota <br /> auditor's office has been interpreting state auditor's interpretation of the law, Business Assistance Form, OTED, I <br /> the Legislation to be retroactive, caus- legislators Insisted that an inventory be I Analysis and Evaluation Office, <br /> ing potential probleme for existing cor- taken of these corporations to ensure 500 Metro Square, 121 East 7th <br /> porations. After weeks of work with that public dollars are being spent Place, St, Paul, MN 55101 OR <br /> legislators, staff, and other interested property, The auditor's report may al- Faxyoureity'a business oasis' <br /> parties, LMC staff reached a compro- lay legislative concerns and demon- tance forms to. (612) 2153841. <br /> miss today with the auditor on legisla- staate that these corporations are per- if you have not received the I <br /> w-! w;Yyoive the issue. forming legitimate functions in a new'crms oa if you have quw. <br /> Local governments will be required proper manner. Absent the eompro- tons about how to complete the <br /> to tvpnA to the aud:forby f,'ct. 15, ml38 rMCI� tvurnY, the 1997law 'i forms, contact DTED a;(812) 1 <br /> 1998, all Stich capor.9tions they have c uld conic p to be interpreted to j 297.2335. If you have any other <br /> crented, the pvrperm oftie copoi gitrotion thra VAIVFlhl of kcal govern- questions, please call Andrea <br /> ti or, its byrsaw <,s<iedinxmetkvistoUt ments to create ccrporabons, even Stearns at the League at (612) <br /> how it does business. The auditor's those created before the 1997 law 281 -1258. <br /> main concern ld that these corpora- wentlntoeffect. L� <br /> For more Worma#on on dry legislative issom, mnmd any member of Ae Leagao of Minnesota Ctttas fntergoventnental Retwiom harts. <br />