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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: March 18, 1998 <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor and Council <br /> FROM: Ry -Chel Gaustad <br /> RE: Tobacco Ordinance #66 <br /> The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on March 12, to consider <br /> proposed tobacco ordinance #66. No one was present to object to the ordinance format nor <br /> the language set forth. <br /> On recommendation of the committee, the following action was taken: <br /> Broussard - Vickers moved and was seconded to forward tobacco ordinance 966 to the City <br /> Council; Apply appropriate numbering and strike in its entirety, Tobacco Ordinance 66.13 <br /> Penalties. Subd. 3 Minors. (Minors found in unlawful possession of, or who unlawfully purchased <br /> or attempt to purchase tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices shall be charged an <br /> administrative fee set by City Council resolution and will be subjected to 20 hours of community <br /> service.) <br /> The consequence of the above -noted motion removes the city from intervening if a juvenile <br /> disputes an alleged violation. Whereas now, Anoka County will independently continue <br /> their efforts to discipline convicted violators. <br /> This item is scheduled to be addressed by the Council. However, currently the State <br /> Legislature is in deliberation as to the State's tobacco law language and local control. <br /> Therefore, the State may elect to change the current State tobacco laws thus, causing <br /> sections of the proposed tobacco ordinance to be invalid. <br /> In light of the above mentioned, the City Council may want to consider tabling the tobacco <br /> ordinance, pending legislative action. The Legislative session is scheduled to close on April <br /> 8, but by State Statute no later than May 18. The neat following Centerville Council <br /> meeting is scheduled for May 27, 1998. <br />