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Rescheduled EDC Meeting <br /> Pull Special Use Permits from the Consent Agenda <br /> MOTION by Councilmember Helmbrecht to approve the set agenda with noted changes. Motion <br /> seconded by Councilmember Brenner. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS <br /> Mr. March reported Staff implemented a new complaint log method for tracking and following up <br /> on complaints. <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> Elementary School Crosswalk Update <br /> Mr. March updated the Council on the Elementary School crosswalk. The Centerville Elementary <br /> School requested Anoka County to conduct a Main Street traffic study which will determine if the <br /> school will contribute to the cost of the traffic signals. Mr. Bonkowske reported the school is <br /> contending with 1997 budget constraints, however, 1998 funds may be available. Mr. <br /> Bonkowske suggested installing one flashing light, facing west bound and positioned high enough <br /> so that east and west traffic will notice the crosswalk area. Mr. Bonkowske estimated one <br /> flashing light at $5,000 - $6,000. In addition, NSP may contribute $300.00. Councilmember <br /> Helmbrecht noted the traffic study may convince the school to bus children to school instead of <br /> allowing them to walk. Councilmember Brenner suggested installing a "reduce speed ahead" sign <br /> in addition to the 30 -mph sign. <br /> Main Street Speed Sign <br /> Mr. March briefed the Council on the Main Street speed sign. Mr. March called attention to a <br /> letter the City received from Anoka County Highway Department. Mr. March pointed out the <br /> letter stated the City's 30 mph speed sign was removed. <br /> Mr. Nyberg arrived at 6:28 p.m. <br /> Clearwater Meadows Pay Estimate No 6 <br /> MOTION by Councilmember Helmbrecht to approve Clearwater Meadows Pay Estimate No. 6 <br /> in the amount of $59,292.31 contingent upon the contractor submitting a lien waiver. Motion <br /> seconded by Councilmember Brenner. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 20th Avenue Utilities/ Lino Lakes Issues <br /> Mr. Nyberg updated the Council on a meeting held between Cities of Centerville and Lino Lakes, <br /> Mr. Nyberg explained Lino Lakes may propose to widen and reconstruct 21 st Avenue and request <br /> 50 percent payment from Centerville. The City of Centerville will need to discuss plowing, <br /> resurfacing and reconstruction of 21 st Avenue in the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). Mr. Nyberg <br /> added State aid will not be available to Lino Lakes if the road is shared with Centerville. <br /> Councilmember Helmbrecht suggested annually each city contribute road maintenance funds. Mr. <br /> Nyberg explained the Lino Lakes City Charter may have restrictions with contributing road <br /> maintenance funds. Councilmember Helmbrecht requested road maintenance costs be addressed <br />