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A <br /> V <br /> are in compliance with ordinance 94. Staff confirmed the structure and placement were approved <br /> by the City and it was in compliance. Ms. Saxton noted the structure may hinder the resale of <br /> their home. <br /> On anther note, Mayor Wilharber commented the current ordinance does not allow a building <br /> permit to expire if work is progressing. Furthermore, the ordinance should be amended to <br /> eliminate the clause that allows residents not to complete projects within a time line. <br /> Mayor Wilharber moved to direct the Planning and Zoning Commission to look at the ordinance <br /> regarding the building permit time line and to establish an expiration for building permits Motion <br /> seconded by Councilmember Powers Motion carried unanimou&y, <br /> Councilmember Brenner moved to direct Staff to have this issue brought forth to the Planning and <br /> Zoning Commission Motion seconded by Councilmember Powers Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Dick & Monica Travis - The Woods of Clearwater Creek Update <br /> Mr. Nyberg gave a brief overview of the Travis' rezone request from RI rural residential to R5 <br /> executive residential for property north of Center Hills Development. Moreover, the Travis <br /> family plans to appear before the Council on July 22, for rezone approval. If the Council <br /> approves the rezone request, the Travis' will appear before the Planning Commission in August <br /> for preliminary plat approval. Following, the Travis' will present their request for preliminary plat <br /> approval before the Council. The Travis' are seeking a building permit to begin constructing their <br /> home. <br /> Councilmember Brenner questioned the engineer about the wetland issues and Rice Creek <br /> Watershed Districts (RCWD) comments. Mr, Travis stated they are scheduled to appear on <br /> RCWD agenda. However, RCWD Staff confirmed the request is reasonable and they did not <br /> foresee delays. <br /> Mr. March explained the Travis' will need to obtain an emergency vehicle access variance from <br /> the City, if they plan to begin building on the northern lot prior to the installation of roads and <br /> utilities. <br /> Councilmember Powers emphasized the desire to preserve the trees in all proposed development. <br /> Ms. Travis responded a few trees will be relocated to construct the road. The proposed building <br /> sites are absent of trees. In addition, the majority of trees will not be affected. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned the Travis' intentions in regards to park dedication. Mr. Travis <br /> replied they planned to provide a trail access to the park and to dedicate funds in place of park <br /> land. Mayor Wilharber addressed the need to provide an easement to the park. The Council <br /> discussed wetland restrictions and options in regards to the issuance of a building permit. <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 4 <br />