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plan to address the items listed in the recommendation letter. <br /> Mr. March explained Terminal Transport was an agenda item since it is a major project, however, <br /> no action is needed from the Council. In addition, City Staff plans to address the building concept <br /> and proposed grading plan at the Planning and Zoning meeting. <br /> Rick Carlson - Parkview Development <br /> Mr. March summarized the Parkview progress and discussed the draft Developer's agreement, <br /> draft final plat and draft grading plan. In essence, the Developer is looking for preliminary <br /> feedback prior to presenting the final plat at the next City Council meeting. <br /> Mr. March addressed the draft Developer's agreement. Foremost, the Council received a sod <br /> escrow letter, indicating the Developer will be responsible for individual property sod compliance. <br /> A concern is that the City has no recourse if the Developer does not comply with the sod/seed <br /> Ordinance. Therefore, Mr. March suggested the Developers agreement include a cash deposit of <br /> $10,000 for sod escrow with the City. Mr. March commented holding the Developer <br /> responsible for sod placement is a superior process compared to the City's current method and <br /> suggested implementing the idea in future projects. <br /> Mr. March suggested the City hold park/trail dedication fees as earmarked funds for future <br /> developments of trails. Specifically, the park dedication fee is $750 per lot and the trail <br /> dedication fee is $150 per lot. <br /> Councilmember Helmbrecht recognized the Developer's agreement did not indicate the trees <br /> would be balled and burlapped. Mr. Bergem responded corrections will be made to reflect the <br /> trees will be balled and burlapped. <br /> Mr. Bergem noted the site grading plan is in compliance with the building ordinance and is, as per <br /> the Building Official's recommendation. Mr. March suggested further amendments be issued to <br /> Staff as soon as possible to insure all changes are incorporated into the final Developer's <br /> agreement. Mr. Carlson emphasized their desire to begin construction the day after the June 10, <br /> Council meeting. Therefore, if any changes are needed contact him, so he can guarantee the <br /> Developers' agreement will be ready for the Council's approval. <br /> Mr. Bergem commented the lot size meets with city ordinance and a variance is not required with <br /> this development. Mayor Wilharber polled the Council and there were no apparent concerns. <br /> Mr. Bergem relaid Mr. Hellings took no exception to the Parkview Developers contract. <br /> 20th Avenue Update <br /> Mr. Bergem reported RCWD may give notice to proceed on May 28th. At that time, the City will <br /> request that the contractor sign off in agreement to commence work on the 20th Avenue project. <br /> 4 <br />