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*Employee Benefits <br /> *Executive Session <br /> Councilmember Brenner moved to approve the set agenda with noted changes. <br /> Councilmember Burk seconded the motion. Alotion carried unanimously. <br /> PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS <br /> Councilmember Brenner shared that she received a complaint from a resident in regards to the <br /> noise and dust generated from the construction site east of the Willow Glen Development. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee requested Staff execute a letter to the resident informing them that the <br /> City plans to address the issue during the October Planning and Zoning Meeting. <br /> Mayor Wilharber commented he received a call from a resident regarding low water pressure. <br /> Mayor Wilharber called Public Works and Tim Danielson immediately returned his call and <br /> - --solved the problem. <br /> UNFL'4SHED BUSUINESS <br /> The Woods of C! anvat r Creek Approve Variance for Temaorat5 cu -de -sac & R Length <br /> Mr. March gave a synopsis of the Woods of Clearwater Creek Development and he noted the <br /> Planning and Zon ng recommendation to approve the road over 800' in length with a temporary <br /> cul -de -sac and that the dimensions are to meet with the City Engineers approval. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned Staff if the Fire Department had comments in regard to the variance <br /> request. Ms. Gaustad responded that the Fire Deparment did not have any concern with neither <br /> the road length nor the temporary cul-de-sac. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee offered to move as per the Planning and Zoning Commissions <br /> recommendation to approve the road length over 800' into a tem oorary cul -de -sac. <br /> Co ncilmem Brenner seconded the motion Motion carrie unanimously_ <br /> Laurie I a Votte Memorial Park Update <br /> TAx. Peterson updated the Council on Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park. Basically, the park <br /> modifications include ponds dug, swale up to the parking lot, and the catch basin next to the <br /> hockey rink will be shallower because Lino Lakes will not allow water to drain onto its prope ty. <br /> Councilmember Brenner acknowledged Public Works efforts installing the watermain, thus, <br /> saving the City nearly $20,000. Mayor Wilharber requested the Public Works /Building Official to <br /> extend the Councils gratitued to the Public Works employees. <br /> Mr. March requested the Council direct Staff in accordance with Laurie LaMotte Park and its <br /> 3 <br />