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1998-09-23 Packet
City Council
Agenda Packets
1998-09-23 Packet
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/23/2011 1:44:22 PM
Creation date
8/23/2011 1:44:17 PM
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Jim March; 9115198 <br /> City Administrator <br /> City of Centerville <br /> I would like to express my interest to the city of Centerville about the purchase of a parcel of land the <br /> city owns in the southeast corner of the city on Cedar Ave. I believe this two acre lot is in the industrial <br /> park of Centerville. My intent for this property would be to construct two five thousand sq. foot buildings <br /> to be used for storage. Because of the building within the city of new homes and townhomes, the residents <br /> could use a building like this that would be close to them and have the protection of the local police force. <br /> The construction of such a building would consist of poured concrete walls and a stucco finish and other <br /> improvements as needed to comply with the city codes. Along with the above- mentioned buildings, I <br /> would like to apply for a conditional use permit for five years to run a redi -mix concrete business on the <br /> property. Also I feel that the residents and future residents could benefit from a lower priced concrete <br /> product which would come about because of the low transportation costs involved delivering concrete <br /> within the city. Hopefully the builders and contractors would be able to pass some of the savings on to the <br /> to the buyers and residents of the city. <br /> The development of the property would be done in a manner that would allow for as many mature <br /> trees as possible to remain, and would in no way be clear cut and leveled as has been done to some <br /> property nearby. Because of the cost of developing the land, I would make an offer of eighty thousand <br /> dollars. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Dennis Shudy <br /> 6795 20th Ave S. <br /> Hugo, Mn. 55038 <br /> 651- 653 -1029 <br />
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