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w , <br /> proper drainage. Also, the Holiday property is adjacent to Lot 1, of the proposed development. <br /> Mr. Buechler commented the drainage has been addressed and will not affect the property at 1295 <br /> Mound Trail. Mr. Peterson stressed the bad soils in the area and suggested soil borings on each <br /> lot and prior to building permit approval. <br /> Ms. Broussard - Vickers noted a potential concern with draining from lot 5 onto lot 4, and she <br /> noted item #5 of the Public Works Directors/Building Officials comments. <br /> 45. "The proposed drainage swale in the roadway ditch doesn't meet with the City's <br /> requirements of a I% minimum grade." <br /> Mr. Peterson suggested a drainage swale between lot 5 and west of the existing lots. <br /> Mr. Rod Holhizer (7193Mound Trail) questioned the Developer about the slope between lot 5 <br /> and his lot and hoped that no future drainage problems would occur. <br /> Mr. Lloyd Drilling (7185 Mound Trail) addressed and questioned the Commission in regards to <br /> the Mound Trail and its condition, who owns and maintains the road and who is responsible for <br /> road repair. Furthermore, he confirmed an RCWD permit is required and that a Saint Paul <br /> Utilities (City of St. Paul) permit is not required. <br /> Mr. Holhizer had a point of information considering this house is located in the City of Lino <br /> Lakes, his mail box is in the City of Centerville and his mailing address is in the City of Hugo - <br /> will the cities consider redesigning the corporate boundaries or annexing the last two lots on <br /> Mound Trail, <br /> Mr. LaMotte moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Broussard- Vickers seconded the motion. <br /> Motion carried unanimously, <br /> Special Use Permit for Tim Peppenger - Operate an Auto Electrical Repair Shop <br /> Mr. Tim Peppenger (7129 20th Avenue North) was present to request a special use permit <br /> recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Councilo. Chair Welk <br /> confirmed traffic and parking would not hinder the area businesses. She also confirmed the <br /> business hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mr. March confirmed Mr. Peppenger would <br /> not have exterior storage and adequate parking was available. <br /> Mr. LaMotte moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Broussard - Vickers seconded the motion <br /> Motion carried. <br /> A variance - Road to be over 800' in Length with a Temporary Cul- de-sac <br /> Mr. Thomas Peterson (City Engineer) updated the Commission on the proposed variance. He <br /> suggested the cul -de -sac be constructed at 60' (right -of -way) because the north property may not <br /> afford a road to be constructed. <br /> 2 <br />