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!IENIO <br /> TO: Jim March. City administrator <br /> Centerville Cits- Council <br /> FROM: Troy Bonkosyske. Intern <br /> DATE: 12A T 97 <br /> RE: Flashing lights for school crosswalk <br /> FINDINGS: <br /> Over the past tvo iceeks. I have spoken to Mike Hughes. Centennial Schools Transportation <br /> Director, and Jane Pernble from the Anoka Couny- Transportation Department. Both <br /> Conservations made me confident flashing lights for the Centerville Elementary crosswalk will be <br /> installed %vithin a reasonable amount of time and funding will come from other sources. <br /> I talked to NIr. Hughes a couple of weeks ago and he stated the school district paid in full for the <br /> flashin lights installed at Rice Lake Elementan'. However, if the school district is expected to do <br /> the name for Centenilie Elementary, they would want a engineerng traffic skid} completd before <br /> the lights are installed. also, due to budget constraints, am funding from the school district would <br /> have to lyait until the be6rrnina of next rear. <br /> Eat todtn. Ifs. Pemble told me Anoka Couny is currenth conducting a engineering study at <br /> the crosswalk and expect to be completed by the end of the %seek. .Uso, the county %could ask <br /> adjacent crosswalk landowners to remove- "clutter" in the area to improve traffic risibility. MS. <br /> Pernble Mll call me once the traffic study and road improveurents are completed. <br /> CONTE_MPI,ATIONS <br /> Since Anoka County removed the 10 mph speed limit sign the City installed cast of Tom Thumb, <br /> it would be advisable to let the Count- complete the traffic stud} and %cork %kith them afterward. <br /> The school district and the count have past experience working together installing flashing lights <br /> and I am comfortable the Citr can make the same arrangements fbr the Centerville Elcmentarx <br /> crossiyal . <br />