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WEEK =N REV= EW <br /> Edition # 31 9 -15 -97 through 9 -19 -97 <br /> Building permits issued this period = <br /> Building permits issued YTD = 123 <br /> * The City received a $1281 workers compensation program <br /> dividend. This is the second time this has occurred. The <br /> last dividend distributed was in 1993. <br /> * The manufacturing company (Sewall Gear) that I described in a <br /> previous Week in Review wants a written proposal from the <br /> City of Centerville in regards to TIF availability and other <br /> incentives. They are interested in ten acres of Gerald <br /> Rehbine's industrial property. They want to build a 100,000 <br /> square foot building. They currently have 70 employees. The <br /> jobs are good - paying unionized steel workers positions. The <br /> real estate agent indicated to Gerald that the site selection <br /> was between St. Paul and Centerville. They have looked at <br /> other sites in Blaine, Woodbury and Lino Lakes. The owner <br /> lives in North Oaks. The business has been in the same <br /> family since 1939. Paul and I are going to tour the current <br /> facility on Thursday morning. I will be bringing a written <br /> proposal to the Council meeti g for approval to offer to the <br /> owners of the company. The building is projected to cost up <br /> to $4 million. I also need to check on the availability of <br /> capital equipment bonding through DTED, they have indicated <br /> that this would be a vital component for them. <br /> * I spoke with Marjorie Carpenter who owns the two buildings <br /> north of the House of Chu. She was very excited to hear <br /> about a downtown revitalization effort in Centerville. She <br /> wanted to receive information on the theme that was going to <br /> be adopted. I indicated that the process was just beginning <br /> and there is no theme at this time. She mentioned that she <br /> would like to put new siding on the buildings, renovate the <br /> interiors and put an awning on the old office building. <br /> * Gary Hugeback called me to say that the plans were being <br /> completed for the 37,000 square foot office /warehouse <br /> speculative building for the site south of Eagle Trucking. <br /> They want to place that item and the Holiday convenience <br /> store on the next planning and zoning agenda. <br /> * In your mailboxes is a timeline for the senior housing bond <br /> issuance schedule. The timeline spells out what needs to <br /> occur from now until ground breaking. <br />