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tJ9' ^��L4�G �cf�Phl !'f�' lttJf'.'Ti �Ititllt H.i�IJ!_lt'lTES IU <br /> I I I <br /> i I <br /> i <br /> ii. �e.'ariM. l wail n in dzfE�i rr 17. Indeismity. l will indemnify you from all ges. lnsxs, M. tk: ruction <br /> (2)1 do not make a pay eat ,:ender th s Lease on tiniz, or iujuriea claims demands, costs and ezpensEs relating it way w the !.eased 1@lirdt. T <br /> (b) I do not c:110y wash any other prevision of this lease; or includes all legal fees and experts 1 Wien pay all ci at on ri ckets, losses p tallies and <br /> (W I e; a other fines on the Leased Vch isle aim anyone driving tt !eased tlthicle. <br /> (d) I gu 40 bankruptcy or f I& Reform of Veep Leased VehWe. n this Lease ends if 1 do sue <br /> (e) I "ssign my property fo: ih4 t en ri: of my i rd w: s; or buy the leased Vehicle under Section 5,1 will return the Lfastd Velude W you and I wilt <br /> 0 ! gi e you any?irS roar.! ;nut Is undue or rtisieading; or, pay you all amounts that! owe you. When I return the d Whi le, the Leased Veh cie <br /> l4) Anydh elcz hapP=which you in 'good f3i6 y, r e. the risk t!ut I w,1 breach will be. in good rand tion and waking order, free from wtatnages I am reportr> bk [Cr <br /> Litis I.wx� arty damages to the interior ur exterior of the Leased VU de except normal *tar. When il, <br /> V I am ink ddlu'll of iay cancel this Lease. Ale , »ra haya Late liter rights un'uer;his Less- ends, I will pay you the cost of repairing any dart e to the Leased %eWcle, t xcept <br /> L ae Ord appdicaMe hx Th tclud r; fie r m 't 2,e far datny� .al to retx••er the normal wear. You and 1 will inspect the biased Velude - I Prepare a report tin the condifu <br /> Leased 1c�u le ff yrou ask, 1 will tttur tlzr Leased Vehicle to'V'W a the -a e that loin Speo of'the Ixased Whicle. <br /> if, or I wiii let •:Let take L e Le& d Vehicle. Any pr o�rr. s„nsited to the l cased Vehicle will 18. Damage, m nor bumper sir atrhe drnt5 tone dips body scratches and <br /> stay u, +S, ffie LeAed %hid You may at^re any Pros y L is left in Lh. Laved Vehicle, paint drips that are not inn a fultigm object are normal wear fcv the exteria. Carpet and <br /> and 1 w ill bay you for the storage c ost. ! .,L pay ya lea feels and expenses trim wear that is normal for the raileve on the leased Y hide, indoor scratches and stains <br /> Ill 2 t1w Of Lerasia TFlie "2 e w:ht ad when the term c this ]ctse cxpire4I we no.mai west for the interior Anything else is not non sal wear. Alm,1 am, reapons blr <br /> ref vn thei Leased lei de W you at the place Iat'ya ape uK and 1 pay y u everyiho f out for any condition due to, abuse or neglect, hok, data • glass. improper rheas work, <br /> Your Nco, with your written o o 1 c can et ti ' :_sse kv tetw,>mg the ixas;d thkele poorly .matched paint, and damage from installaw ac des <br /> !o you ant! toy ng Yu- the early attc2llation Amount. II you cage! tits +ease, yru may 20. £gerip"llm When 1 return the Leased V hide. it must have all original <br /> require me W pz yr,.0 the Early Cancellation Anttalt idle ferny Cancellaticsi A; P., aui Is; equipmutt including rive original ; The leased Veltic must be in goud operating cons <br /> (a) all unplid moray rentals; plus tan, including engine, drive train, grapes and stcerilig T >e Leased Vehicle must be free <br /> b) all ot_vkr amounts that I u" you up to th. time of to plus from anv rust dJI replamment parts and equipment on Leased Vehicle must be genuln <br /> all of }our ryl;e, sts in taking passe4sian hcldLr= prEua^;;Sg arni selling the manufacttrret's parts and equipment for that make of veh •k. The Leased Yehide mlut <br /> 'mod Vehicle 04 be protected with glyco+V e antifreeze with rust inhibiti r in at least minus " give s <br /> the Res dual Cake: ti ws <br /> FaIrvenliel NI fir" must Have at least 4/4 inch of me hle tread remauet g. T re wear <br /> (e) Le rIA'al amcoof t' at two receive by selling thr,.eas :d %€hide. must be normal far the milew used. Failure to maintain per wheel algrvpet t ti tire <br /> I will ua remve am surpbus pnreed� of the 4e. I .+61 pay you within 5 days Ater }wu Whine is not normal. <br /> 'we the <br /> Xrount to be paid Re.,,-tr. l ttit LeaA �hicae dais riot affect any of your rights 21. Lbra of Lessors f faWUty, You win tat be liable V you fal to perforn <br /> including y' our right to receive paymem n[damxgeaera +- rr ajvd any of ;.rru rights if I am this Leas" because of any cause beyond y3nr control, ' includes fire, othet casualty rat <br /> in default V this frase is cancelled befom the end of the :ease I l'M,' may than ob ; n a strike, r labor problests, and government regulation ruction, You will not be liable for <br /> Prdessiocritl aPprasal of tide saln of the Lensed Vehicle (4ti9 could- be rrslirsd at sale of any loss of profits or consequential daritagts (except eon equential damages fur injury to <br /> the Leased Vehicle) by arl t .kpendeat third party a rinser %u aml 1 must agree on the persuns). You will not be liable for any Problems resultb from theft, damage, loss, defect , <br /> app 2 see' *rill pay for the app ° nI l e a ore sea wilt x f n1 aim b drug un ycu and fa rare of the Leased Vehicle Ibu will nct he liable for a loss caused by the time needed <br /> r., aid w2!I be u s item (e} a5 e t, fym r ng the Ea :y Ca e lion A aunt recover, repair. adjust, see; Xe, or replace the Leased lrehg k , i will continue to pav you <br /> U the Leased Vehicle Is damaged by accident sn that it canna be reasonably repaired ;under this lease during that i me <br /> of if the ! e ased 1e1ir'r is holluitariv lost de ':+ t* ,r u , l c r a 1 d•! <!.ea ?e'.r; ��:. 'scafss UhAte ifOWC6ts. If the leased Ve' , is toWi lost <br /> y b) theft, coilistol <br /> Payi: g S uu or othetw:sr, you auy at arty time sub tinne a suttilar ve idle for, the Leased VehUe. The <br /> (a) the prtjcees of is grantee over ing the Leased Vku le, PIS substitute veliete th>_awill be the Leased Vehicle w-d t t lis Lease. <br /> (b) the deductible amo utt for Coe insurance, plug 23. Fi ant, If I do not do someth g required by Iqs !rase, you m <br /> (c) all past due payme, is asst due des, test& fnes� tickets end r r cilarges under the decide to do it I will then pay you all of your costa <br /> Lease. 24. S6twfty DePOS& If I Pay you a securil � deposit, you will [deep it during <br /> i3, 7aac88.1 why pa, all sales Lse mse'tw^sona F4o-�:Vy; and dhccr taxe3 on the term of this lease. You ma use the security depcwit w jay aw arnomtts that] owe you <br /> the Jsased V'e(ucle -1 rso wit, pay ;all governrncnc as h'-ac ant; chugzs Payable and do not pay on time. At Lie ettd of this Lease, you *till }eturn the sen'ity deposiit to roe, <br /> during t *e term 4 this Itasrf on the tLta% d vehlctr la"Ival pay all net incomie tam from less any amotmt that I We yuu. <br /> entals under dns 2& Transfer, Unless you agree in writing, l car opt transfer, sublease, or give a <br /> 14, rdle rind CwavetlrotiL-At Inspactiarr, 1 N Leased Wlkle will be security interest in this Lease, the Leased VeWelt or any )t my t1us mtder this ^ Lease to <br /> L&d in +oir, name., You or I may acanmphsli this l v�J1 pay for all dtKag, regi t fiuou and anyone elms Ally action that violates this Section 25 is voi . You can transfer (his Lease to <br /> n nano of the`trzsed Velude. ; anyone If you du, l will net raise against that person any or defense that i may have <br /> I S. Pees"Med !User I will use fIr Leased Whkk an;y for my Personal use for agzinst_you <br /> lawful PLO 1 i ] n the conorertl LSi c d State> Unless ydu as e u: wri±iag,1 oil ant 26. taeaB us. I cxBlot cancel, change fejecL O eXC tae 313' of my agiYC <br /> allm- the ased Loch! cic:o he rcionved from htirmeso a for,^. are rho ; w mnsecu he days menu under this [rase utzlessyou agree in writing. This is tnie whether or ioA I hose <br /> I% ift not a)low'tlte I,tak d Vehicle to be used for aitpl urlawtul Purpose, x in v& abort of any a claim against the supplier or. manufacturer of the Leased Vehicle, and regantkss of the <br /> law. I wJE riot al" any unLc,a -d driver or any person under the infloerwe of alcohol l:r quality or perfctneanee of the Leased Vehicle. Tilts Lease and the other papers signed with <br /> drugs to use thx Leased Vehicle.I'wilt not allow atryoze to tLe the Leased Veitide or to use this lease are the only agreement bermen yrou and me relating to the Leased "@hick.11ds <br /> the Leased Wide as a Phonic eanvp one... C'm'us y+agree!I%writing, I will not ennui 'my Ita&T canna be changed unless you and t agree m writ'rWA any provision of this Lease is <br /> structural tome. s'peccal equixteiif, or change in paint, letteri ng Cr an work vr. the Leased invalid, the rest of the Lease is valid. You do not lose any of yow rights by waiting before <br /> tibhlale 7. Bln,., 8;. 4a....: r, d. e,'...... r,....,..a....._...— a.._..._._. _.. - .,._ "I . , .,.. .., _.. .. <br />