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S E P 4 RECT <br /> ANOKA COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br /> Paul McCarron, Chairman Margaret Langfeld, Vice Chair <br /> Dennis D. Berg Dave McCauley <br /> Dan Erhart Dick Lang <br /> Donald H. Flndell <br /> September 4, 1996 <br /> Mr. Jim March <br /> City Manager <br /> City of Centerville <br /> 1880 Main Street <br /> Centerville, MN 55038 -9794 <br /> Dear Jim: <br /> The Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (ACHRA) bond counsel, Holmes & <br /> Galey, Ltd., has informed the ACHRA that it should approve preliminary resolutions regarding any <br /> potential housing project as soon and as early into the study of senior housing in your city. It is <br /> my understanding that this locks in our opportunity to sell bonds, if a senior housing project is <br /> approved by your city, and it also allows for development costs by the city or the ACHRA to be <br /> reimbursed. <br /> On Tuesday, August 27, 1997, as a routine item on our agenda, the ACHRA approved the <br /> attached Resolution #96 -8, Resolution Giving Preliminary Approval to the Issuance of Up to <br /> $2,000,000 Housing Development Bonds for the Purpose of Financing a Housing Project in the <br /> City of Centerville, Minnesota, as recommended by bond counsel. Apparently, the local paper <br /> decided to print this information in the newspaper. <br /> I apologize for not informing you of this routine item prior to the board meeting. The bonds <br /> discussed in this resolution, if and when the city would decide they want a senior housing project, <br /> would be sold by the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. This resolution does <br /> not in any way obligate the city or the ACHRA to move forward with a senior housing project, but <br /> again allows the city and the county to be reimbursed and to sell bonds in the future, if and when <br /> your city decides it wants to move forward with a senior housing project. <br /> Again, I'm sorry for not informing you earlier and, as always, should you have any questions, <br /> please do not hesitate to contact me. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> A <br /> Tin Yantos <br /> Executive Director <br /> TY:bje <br /> Attachment <br /> cc: Commissioner Margaret Langfeld <br /> Telephone: (612) 323 -5680; Fax: 323 -5682; TDD/TTY: 323 -5289 <br /> Government Center, Administration Office, 2100 3rd Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 -2265 <br />