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a <br /> ' CoLLMMUS TAUCK S+Ef1Ri9CE, I NC. <br /> 15131 KLLEfi Sff1E T- N.E. <br /> P, b. BOX 891 <br /> FOREST LAKE, Mil _ Tit 550 -5 -0891 <br /> 61 9J464 -4034, 010116 <br /> 6141464 -0903, tsiaW <br /> TO: pawl, CiV of Centerville <br /> FROM: Patty O Wkh <br /> DATE: September 5, 1996 <br /> RE: DoT i nactions <br /> At your request, we have performed DOT inspections on Come—Ale's 1986 and 1975 <br /> Fords. Enclosed is an estimate for needed repairs on the 1996 Ford which must be <br /> performed prior to issuance of the DOT certification. In consullntg with Mark regarding <br /> your 1975 Ford, it was determined that it is impossible to prepare an accurate cost <br /> estimate of repairs due to the age of the vehicle and extent of needed repairs. For <br /> example, there are t4 cracked frame rails and both exhaust fMnMds are in need of <br /> replacement. We kn,-w of two local city maintenance departments that had similar <br /> repairs performed recsin3y, with the exhaust manifolds costing $500 each (installed) <br /> and the frame rail replacement costing approximately $7,000 each. As you can see, it <br /> is obvious that the expense of performing these repairs far outweighs the worth of the <br /> vehicle. <br /> At your request, Ma ?K estimates that this vehicle's worth wouktbe approximately $500- <br /> 1,000 depending on ft buyer and intended usage. If selling this vehicle is something <br /> the City wishes toe further, we can recommend a large equipment "bone yard" <br /> which may be interested in purchasing this vehicle from the City. Otheriss, the City <br /> may wish to sell this truck to a private individual for farm usage. <br /> Let us know if we can be of further assistance to the City concerning this older vehicle. <br /> In the meantime, please contact me to authorize the repairs as estimated on the 1986 <br /> Ford at your earliest ect-wenience. We appreciate your business. <br /> tl� �JRt# f ll® <br />