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y CITY OF CENTERVILLE -- ANNOTATIONS FOR JUNE 10, 1996 MEETING <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> The April 30th and May I st minutes have been tabled, please remember to bring them. <br /> O.B. #1 CLEARWATER MEADOWS <br /> Attached is the final copy of the developers agreement and the deeds for the outlots. <br /> These are both up for approval with contingencies of RCWD, FEMA and approval of the deed <br /> restrictions and trail easement verbiage from the engineer and attorney. <br /> O.B. #2 WATERWORKS NOISE PERMIT <br /> Attached is a letter from Ken Sorenson regarding the parking issue and letters from <br /> Waterworks and KDWB that will be sent to the residents. This is before the council to approve a <br /> noise permit for this event. <br /> O.B. #3 LCA - ACTION PLAN <br /> Dean Johnson faxed a copy of the Action Plan for the Livable Communities Act (LCA) for <br /> your consideration. The council is to review and comment and make any changes to that a final <br /> one can be prepared and ready for approval at the June 26th meeting. This is due by June 30th. <br /> N.B. #1 INTERIM STRATEGY RESOLUTION <br /> Attached is a resolution that Met Council has asked the city to approve. Dave Nyberg has <br /> reviewed and modified to suite Centerville's needs and requirements. This is an interim strategy <br /> plan to reduce nonpoint source pollution to all Metropolitan Water Bodies until the Storm Water <br /> Management Plan is complete. <br /> _ N.B. #2 3.2 PERMIT FOR CITY CELEBRATION <br /> Attached is a letter of request for a 3.2 permit for the City Celebration. <br /> N.B. #3 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID <br /> Attached is the information Danell provided for the Local Performance Aid from the <br /> Minnesota Department of Revenue along with an article from the League Bulletin that describes <br /> the aid as well. They need certification approval from the city prior to June 30th to be eligible to <br /> receive this aid in 1997. <br /> N.B. " CLERKS INSTITUTE, LEAGUE OF MN CITIES <br /> This will be year 2 of a 3 year program for both Danell and I. The Conference is held at <br /> the Earl Brown center and Danell and I would be driving back and forth every day and would be <br /> able to check into city hall if need be. <br /> CONSENT AGENDA - MELINDA HUGHES VARIANCE REQUEST <br /> Attached is P &Z's minutes from the public hearing and motion recommending approval of <br /> the variance the their reasons why. <br />