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2011-10-12 CC Packet
City Council
Agenda Packets
2011-10-12 CC Packet
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/7/2011 1:32:41 PM
Creation date
10/7/2011 1:32:37 PM
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V. In consideration of such assessment services, the Municipality will pay to the City <br /> Assessor quarterly payments (unless earlier terminated as herein provided) as <br /> follows: <br /> a) The first quarterly payment will be due on April 1, 2011, the second on <br /> July 1, 2011, the third on October 1, 2011, and the fourth on December 31, <br /> 2011. <br /> b) The parties understand that to accomplish the delivery of the tax year <br /> 2012 assessment on or before January 2, 2012 (the statutory due date), all <br /> work specific to the generation of that assessment must be done during the <br /> 2011 calendar year; the same will be true for subsequent tax year <br /> assessments, i.e. all work for the tax year 2013 assessment must be done in <br /> calendar year 2012, etc. <br /> VI. For tax year 2012 assessment, the Municipality will pay to the City Assessor as <br /> follows: <br /> a) Eight and 50 /100 Dollars ($8.50) for each improved parcel of residential, <br /> seasonal recreational residential and agricultural type of property. <br /> b) Two and 50 /100 ($2.50) for each unimproved parcel of residential, seasonal <br /> recreational residential, and agricultural type of property. <br /> c) Fifty -Five Dollars ($55.00) for each improved and unimproved parcel of <br /> commercial, industrial, and public utility type of property. <br /> d) Fifty Five Dollars ($55.00) for each improved and unimproved parcel of <br /> apartment or mobile /manufactured home park type of property. <br /> VII. The same procedure and rates will be followed in the frequency and <br /> computation of payments for assessment services for subsequent years. <br /> VIII. The City Assessor will remit quarterly billings to the Municipality, detailing the <br /> number of parcels of each type of property assessed and charged to the <br /> Municipality, with a complete breakdown for that specific quarter. <br /> IX. Notwithstanding Section I above, the City Assessor and/or Municipality have the <br /> right to terminate this Agreement by providing six months written notice prior to <br /> the beginning of the assessment work for a tax year. Such notice to terminate must <br /> be sent by certified mail to the other party at the address set forth above. For <br /> example, to terminate effective as of the tax year 2014 assessment, the party must <br /> provide written notice of termination to the other party not later than July 16, <br /> 2012, the work on the tax year 2014 assessment to commence on January 27, <br /> 2013, the anniversary date of this agreement). <br /> 2 <br /> 16 <br />
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