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l <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor & Council Members <br /> FROM: Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> SUBJECT: 2011 Budget Line Item 101- 45201 -370 <br /> DATE: October 7, 2011 <br /> The Parks 2011 budget line item 101 -45201 -370, Park Programs is underspent, This is <br /> the line item that pays for Skating parties, Movies -in- the - Parks, and other miscellaneous <br /> costs. After paying currently outstanding bills, this line is projected to have <br /> approximately $1500 at the end of the year. The Committee request Council approval to <br /> move the funds remaining at the end of the year to a reserve account set aside specifically <br /> for trail signage. <br /> The Committee wants to use that money to purchase trail signs similar to those used by <br /> Anoka County. The Committee continues to research the most cost effective way to <br /> procure trail signs and the design of those signs. In addition, the Committee is discussing <br /> the design of material to be used in the new Cornerstone Kiosk. It is unlikely that the <br /> signs can be designed and procured before the end of the year or before the ground is <br /> frozen. <br /> 20 <br />