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• To remove the constraint on specified use of committed resources the City <br /> Council shall pass a resolution <br /> 4. Assigned <br /> • Amounts that are constrained by the government's intent to use for specified <br /> purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed. Assigned fund balance in <br /> the General fund includes amounts that are intended to be used for specific <br /> purposes. <br /> • The City Council has delegated the authority to assign and remove <br /> assignments of fund balance amounts for specified purposes to the Finance <br /> Director or designee. <br /> 5. Unassigned <br /> • Unassigned fund balance represents the residual classification for the General <br /> fund. Includes amounts that have not been assigned to other funds and that <br /> have not been restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within <br /> the General fund. The General fund should be the only fund that reports a <br /> positive unassigned fund balance amount. <br /> i. The City will maintain an unassigned fund balance in the General fund <br /> of 40% to 50% of the next year's budgeted expenditures of the General <br /> fund. This will assist in maintaining an adequate level of fund balance <br /> to provide for cash flow requirements and contingency needs because <br /> major revenues, including property taxes and other government aids <br /> are received in the second half of the City's fiscal year. <br /> II. STABILIZATION ARRANGEMENTS <br /> Stabilization arrangements are defined as formally setting aside amounts for use in <br /> emergency situations or when revenue shortages or budgetary imbalances arise. <br /> - The City will set aside amounts by resolution as deemed necessary that can only be <br /> expended when certain specific circumstances exist. The resolution will identify and <br /> describe the specific circumstances under which a need for stabilization arises. The need <br /> for stabilization will only be utilized for situations that are not expected to occur <br /> routinely. <br /> 22 <br />