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10/17/2011 8:47:56 AM
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10/17/2011 8:47:54 AM
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Page 2 - FALL, 2011 <br />IMPORTANT CITY INFORMATION <br />CITY COUNCIL REDUCES STAFFING VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED & WELCOMED! <br />In an effort to balance the budget and fund a new street maintenance program, The Centerville Parks and Recreation Committee welcomes the opportunity to work <br />the City Council ordered a reduction of staff by two positions. with you or a group to design and implement volunteer activities within the City. <br /> There are several activities possible for individuals or groups, below are a sample: <br />Over the past ten years, total city staff was increased from seven up to ten posi- <br /> <br />Spring cleanup of parks and trails <br />tions. Two of those positions were the same ones eliminated in recent action of <br /> <br />the Council. The receptionist/secretary position in the administrative office, as <br />Adopt A Flowerbed <br />well as one maintenance position in public works, were the jobs eliminated. <br /> <br />Assisting with an upcoming event <br /> <br /> <br />At the same time, the Council adopted a preliminary budget for 2012 that begins <br />We also welcome new ideas or areas of special interest that your group might have. <br />a street maintenance program that will place all city streets in a rotation to re- <br />We'd love to hear from you. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old unless volun- <br />ceive a mill and overlay. Seal coating will no longer be done, in favor of the new <br />teering as a team with an adult. <br />process. Streets will receive the mill and overlay approximately every 15 years, <br /> <br />depending upon traffic and the annual evaluation of condition. Streets may be <br />For more information, please call City Hall at 651-429-3232 or contact one of the Parks & <br />moved up or back on the schedule, depending upon what the evaluation deter- <br />Recreation Committee Members. <br />mines. Property owner participation through modest special assessments will <br />TRAFFIC CONTROL CHANGES <br />likely play a role in the program. <br />You may have noticed that the stop signs on east-bound Peltier <br /> <br />The City asks residents for patience, as some services may be effected by this <br />Lake Drive at Centerville Road and at Mill Roadhave been removed <br /> <br />severe reduction in staffing. <br />and are not needed in these locations. <br />WINTER WILL SOON BE UPON US…..PARENTS, SET A GOOD EXAMPLE AND ALSO TEACH YOUR KIDS CENTERVILLE’S SNOWMOBILE RULES <br />Age Limit: Persons under the age of 14 are prohibited from operating a snowmobile on City streets. Persons over the age of 14 and under the age of 18 <br />must have the immediate possession of a valid snowmobile safety certificate issued by the Commissioner of Natural Resources or a valid driver’s license. <br />Church: Snowmobiles are prohibited within two hundred (200) feet of church property during hours of church services and hours of other church functions. <br />Curfew: Snowmobiles are prohibited between the hours of: 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. Sunday - Thursday and 12:01 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Friday & Saturday. Per- <br />mitted hours of operation on the day before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day shall be the same as a Friday. <br />Easements: Snowmobiles are prohibited on boulevards within any public right-of-way. <br />Intersection(s): Snowmobiles must make a complete stop upon entering any uncontrolled intersection. Snowmobiles must then yield the right-of-way to any vehicle or <br />pedestrians at the intersection, or so close to the intersection as to constitute an immediate hazard. <br />Parks: Snowmobiles are prohibited from public property, playgrounds and recreational areas, except authorized for such use by the City. <br />Pedestrian: Snowmobiles are prohibited within one hundred (100) feet of any fisherman, pedestrian, skating rink, or sliding area where the operation <br />would conflict with use or endanger other persons or operation, in those areas at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent. <br />Private Property: Snowmobiles are prohibited on private property of another without specific permission of the owner. <br />School: Snowmobiles are prohibited on school grounds, except as permission is expressly obtained from responsible school authorities. <br />Sidewalks/Bike-Walking Paths: Snowmobiles are prohibited on public sidewalks/bike-walking paths - these are provided for pedestrian <br />traffic only. <br />Shortest Possible Route: It is unlawful for any person to enter, operate or stop a snowmobile within the limits of the City of Centerville along or <br />upon any roadway except for the sole purpose of leaving and returning to a place of residence provided that such travel is limited to the shortest possible route between <br />the residence and a restaurant or a gasoline filling station or between a residence and a place where the snowmobile may be legally used. <br />Speed: Snowmobiles must not exceed ten (10) miles per hour on City streets. <br />Streets: Snowmobiles must be on the most right hand lane available for traffic or as close as practicable to right hand curb or edge of the roadway. Snowmobiles are <br />prohibited on the inside slope and roadway of any trunk, county-state aid and county highways within the City limits. <br />Studs: It is unlawful for any person to enter, operate or stop a snowmobile within the limits of the City of Centerville on any street or public property when the drive track is <br />equipped with metal studs. <br />ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY INFORMATION <br />Compostable bag requirement for curbside yard waste pickup <br /> <br /> <br />Residents who bag their yard waste for curbside pickup are required to use compostable bags – either plastic or paper – under a new state <br />law that went into effect January 1, 2010. <br />The legislation was put into place to reduce the amount of plastic that gets mixed in with yard waste, resulting in higher quality finished <br />compost. <br />Compostable bags include paper Kraft bags or compostable plastic. Compostable plastic bags are usually clear or tinted a translucent <br />shade of green, white, or pink; however the color is not the sure way of determining the compostability of a plastic bag. Compostable plastic <br />bags should be clearly labeled "compostable" and include the U.S. Composting Council’s logo (shown below). Bags marked <br />"biodegradable" or "degradable" do not meet the requirements of the state law. <br />Residents who bring yard waste to the Bunker Hills or Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Compost Sites are not required to use com- <br />postable bags as all yard waste brought to the sites must be debagged or unloaded and bags or containers taken home <br />. <br />
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