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2. Work Item — describe the work that will be performed: <br /> The City will financially assist those that qualify to have their abandoned or private well sealed. <br /> 2a. Amount Requested for performing this work: $ ...10,000 <br /> 2b. Product(s) produced or anticipated outcomes of performing this work item: <br /> Would decrease the amount of abandoned wells that are not sealed therefore reducing the potential for pollution of <br /> groundwater <br /> 2c. Please reference the MEASURE / OBJECTIVE number and attach the nage(s) in the source water <br /> protection plan that contains the source water protection measure / objective that will be supported by this work <br /> item: Part 2 , Chapter 5, Item I and II <br /> Detailed Budget and Schedule: Please describe all sub - activities that are included in the project with the <br /> corresponding costs and estimated date of completion; use an additional page if necessary <br /> (Example: if the activity is public education you will need to detail how many training sessions, how much will be <br /> spent for supplies, how many participants, or brochures, what is the consultant fee, etc.) <br /> Sub- activity Amount requested Estimated start date <br /> Mailing $0 9/12/11 <br /> Sealing of Private Wells $10,000.00 N/A <br /> Total (amount being requested) $10,000.00 <br /> Certification: I certify that the information herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and 1 <br /> submit this application on behalf of the applicant public water supply system. <br /> Signature: —' ^^ Title: Finance Directo Date: 9/13/11 <br /> Note: If you are awarded a grant, NO work should begin until all required <br /> signatures have been obtained on the grant agreement, and grantee receives <br /> a signed copy of the grant agreement <br /> 70 <br />