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en e 1 Vide 3B80 944inarta1, Centerville, 74.705038 <br /> Established 1857 651 -429 -3232 or Tait 6 -429 -8629 <br /> November 16, 2011 <br /> Patricia Camp -Baron <br /> 7121 Centerville Road <br /> Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> Re: Nuisance Property Clean-up <br /> Dear Ms. Camp - Baron: <br /> We met with you again this morning to discuss the progress in cleaning up your property. <br /> Paul Palzer visited the property earlier today and reports that you have made some <br /> progress, but that only a small dent has been made in removing the problem. You asked <br /> that the city provide more detail on what is going to be acceptable. <br /> It is clear that your property contains numerous conditions that are a public nuisance in <br /> violation of City Code Chapter 91. Among the problems, and there may be other <br /> violations, is a violation of Section 91.06, P, which reads as follows: <br /> "(P) Accumulations in the open of discarded or disused machinery, household <br /> appliances, automobile bodies or other material in a manner conducive to the <br /> harboring of rats, mice, snakes or vermin, or the rank growth of vegetation among <br /> the items so accumulated, or in a manner creating fire, health or safety hazards from <br /> accumulation" <br /> We appreciate your cooperation up to this point but much remains to be done to resolve <br /> the violations. You need to remove all piles of wood, metal, cement blocks, fencing <br /> components, barrels, pails and other debris from the property, or store it in your <br /> buildings. Also, it is critical that additional material is not brought into the property <br /> unless it is stored in a building. And I need to remind you that open burning is not <br /> permitted as a means of disposing of wood debris and garbage. There was at least one <br /> bag of garbage on your front steps. Garbage should be stored in the containers provided <br /> by Waste Management. <br />