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<br />. <br /> <br />I' <br />I" <br /> <br />DEVUOPMENT CON'I'RACT <br />JAc..k"Solla l"A.1l u. e ILt(d c.. .LL.C!. <br />~ - CEN'I'ERVILLE TOWN OmCE PARI< <br /> <br />CENTERVILLE. MINNESOTA <br /> <br />THIS AGRB~, Il\adu and entmod into this day of .2003, by 8.Ild between the City of <br />CeDt8rVille, a municipal corporaticm orsan- \Ulder fb. laws of the State of MttU1CBOta (tho ClCitf'); ami SadoR& 3',"-\<1. ~ <br />Hemet,. Mfnnosota Corparatl~ (tho "DevelOper"). C.~Mf"-. <br />(" ~ Co <br /> <br />RlClTALS: <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the Developer bm appllcd to the Cit)' to be allowed at the Developerl! elq)6IIse to coastruct alt 8\Uface <br />streets, parldng lote, ourb and gutter. requited hmdscapins. 1tOml8GWer, storm water ponds, dra!nago facilities, WBter <br />main. and saniter)' sewer facUlties, herehtafter referred to as "Stteet and Utility ImproV81~entsn: loci <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Developer ,is to be responsible for the l1tsta1Wion Md flnanclng of eertain private Improvements <br />within the development, hereinafter re&rred to as "Private ImproveJXIents". <br /> <br />NOW, THBREFORB, In consideration of the mutual promises of the parties made herein, It fa _weed by and <br />botwooD the parties as !onowa: <br /> <br />A. REPRESENTATIONS OF DEVRLOPER. As Inducement to the City's approval and <br />authorlzatlon to proceed with constructkm anet entering IDto this Asreement. the Develcper <br />represents 811d warranta to the CIty: <br />eo"'l'~ ptllI..e Hliflld, <br />I. That the Developer Is the ,., ~ur of the property IDd has authmity to emer <br />fntotbisAan=mcnt ANI) '''H~ .'IUt' Q\M"'~R. Ntlt (":t,I,I'ft,l "HI (.~ON"~N"t <br />+ ~ t ~ 0& b.eU ~(,o f€'A. r~ i:l "" 'f~ I! 1,..,.,.1 .,...,.... ~ AIS' --All' .. <br />2. That the commercial. development compU.. with all City. County, State and <br />Fedoral laws II1d rol'Jiat!ons, lnoludJq but not limited to City $UbdMaloll. <br />ordinances aocl zenmg ol'dhllnccs. 'J '..' . <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />The commorGial development compll811 with all wBtland protection legisJadon <br />IIiI1d wllllltlcure all required permits. <br /> <br />Attached as Exhibit B will be a Illtter statins that a permit is not need or that a <br />valid perml1 ftoom Anoka County for road IICCCSS onto 20. Avenue tor tho <br />Developmen.ta driveway lU'ea(.) hu been &ee:U1'ed. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />PRIVATE IMPROVBMBNTS. The Doveloper will construct and mawl at DtMlopor's cxpoDSO <br />the sellerallmprovements COt)stl\1CtIoa. aecording to the detailed plans ,.ubmitted for developm~t..L <br />approvalandattaobedandlisteduExhibltA. .,.. _. If:olllllif~.,j III' 1~4.If' f4IS' '''/f Iud <br />f'1\.H 'I. rst' II...'" 4'h...H, ,...:Af..d ~.\olI" P4Vf'Z IV <br />I. Cost of Private ImprovemeDts, desorfptloD: C c..d h. .". <br /> <br />a. LrmdsClapiag as proposed 111 the alte plan .J Urh ,...,6 <br />(,Attacl1ed 8S Exhibit A) <br /> <br />b. Sod in the ~mmOD I1"OU Loft ,...10 <br /> <br />$ AOt'Zo)o <br /> <br />Co Striping of:P&ridng Spaces Lcifr I"'~ <br />Total Bstimateci Cost <br /> <br />S 5/1.S (J <br />~fl 4Ji- <br />t. <br />~14PO <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />000' d 161# 1 1:60 SOOZ/OZlOl <br /> <br />V099 19L 199 <br /> <br />dIll:I8 AtBWOOl.NOW 3Hl:wo.J:I <br />