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2011-12-14 CC Packet
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2011-12-14 CC Packet
Entry Properties
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OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES 2012 <br />1. The Tournament is scheduled for February 18"', 2012 from 11:00 a.m until 2:00 p.m. on Centerville <br />Lake, Centerville, MN. Contestants are discouraged inside contest area prior to 10:00 a.m. <br />2. The top place prizes are determined by largest weight and time registered. In the event of a tie, the <br />first fish registered takes priority. Any size fish may place. <br />3. Each person will be allowed to fish one hole per ticket (2 holes max. per MN DNR). You may register <br />as many fish as you want, but only the heaviest fish per contestant will qualify for a competition prize. <br />No contestant will be eligible for more than one competition prize. There is no age requirement on <br />tournament participation. <br />4. All fish entered must be brought to the judges stand immediately and be alive. Dead or frozen fish are <br />ineligible. Judges shall have the right to verify that fish were legally caught. The decision of the <br />Judges is final. In the event deception is detected, his/her prize will go to back into the prize kitty. <br />Contestants are responsible for verification of weight of fish at time of weigh in. <br />5. All fish must be caught and the contestants in route to the Judges stand by 2:00 p.m. on the day of <br />the contest. <br />6. Contestants must fish in the area designated for the contest and will be required to have their ticket at <br />all times. Ticket checks as well as container inspections may be performed by Contest Judges. <br />7. Contestants will be allowed to move to other unoccupied holes in the contest area. You are allowed to <br />bring as many poles as desired, but cannot use more than one pole per hole at a time. Contestants <br />may use holes provided or drill their own and will not be allowed to leave the contest area between <br />11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. <br />8. The Contest Ticket is also good for random Door Prize drawings. In addition, a separate same day <br />Raffle will be held. <br />9. Entry fee for the tournament is $5.00 per ticket/hole. Tickets available on the lake at 10:00 a.m. <br />10. Contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions and property at all times. Contestants and <br />holes must be in plain view from all sides at all times. NO SHELTERS WILL BE ALLOWED INSIDE <br />CONTEST AREA. Shelters placed outside the contest area, for keeping the kids warm, are allowed <br />but no holes may be drilled in them. Existing shelters in the contest area may not be used by <br />contestants. Any contestant found in these shelters will be disqualified. <br />11. All laws of the State of Minnesota will be abided by. <br />12. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the contest area other than contest officials and police <br />personnel. <br />13. Coolers and large containers are discouraged, and if brought by Contestants, any and all are <br />subject to search by Contest Officials. No spears allowed. Heaters, chairs, bait pails, depth finders <br />(Vexilars, etc.) are allowed. No licenses sold on the lake. Ice chisels are recommended as holes are <br />drilled early in the morning. Weighted lines without hooks or bait can be used to check depth prior to <br />10:45 a.m. No lines are allowed in the water from 10:45 a.m. to the start of the contest. <br />14. Failure to comply with any contest rules subjects contestants to disqualification and removal from <br />competition site, as determined by Contest Officials. Right to refuse to sell and/or revoke a <br />competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved. <br />15. There will be a Leader Board located in the registration area. All efforts will be made to keep the board <br />up to date and accurate. Tournament results remain unofficial until verified by the head judge. <br />16. All contestants and others hereby consent to the use of any names, photographs or likenesses of <br />themselves to be used in the promotion of our contest, including but not limited to print, radio, <br />television or any other media. <br />17. The Centerville Lions thank you for supporting our efforts to protect the environment and request that <br />you remove refuse, including cigarette butts, from the ice when you leave. Glass containers are not <br />allowed in contest area and will be confiscated by, and forfeited to, tournament officials. Waste and <br />Recycle containers are provided. The lake looked great after the 2011 contest, thanks again to all <br />those who participated. <br />27 <br />
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