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<br />06/25/2e03 15:36 <br /> <br />612786121'3 <br /> <br />RS CARLSON AND ASSOC <br /> <br />PAGE 02 <br /> <br />F'RO/'l : CENT <br /> <br />FW.*IE m. <br /> <br />E>S1 429 aG29 <br /> <br />hili. 2':. 200:3 t;J4: ~'11 1'1 <br /> <br />Part IV. Forols for LocallmlJl"oVemfJJts <br /> <br />A. Fonns fOf COl1l1uelldne Imp"O\'C"I11C'tlh (.f'lJrn,s 1. 8) <br />1. Petition For locallmprovem9nt (100 f:llm:ont of ptO!:luty owners)' <br />Cent:erville . _ _~.. Mlnnes.ota l.une 15, 1~ <br />_....._-------_._......._-_...__..._~ ..... <br /> <br />To the Clly Cellllei\ ot _~.f~~:n'Ul!=!_____, Minllesotil: <br /> <br />. Center.v1l.1e ~..'" ' lina or <br />We all r,wnero of reel tlr')~'ty <1b\ittHl9 on _.~"'~..__.- ~ll'ee . -- -i:---b- '-"-~Il--';h t ch <br />' Stre+.t ilnd 11l~ __ _~~u _ line 0' __ ~_,,__ Slreet liltr. y pe lion, e 811 <br />---~-( -be-OO:--- -~.:.:::;..;;-' .., "U. l"ium,llo Mil\l'lOSot& Slell,l\O$, Chapter 429. .nd thot Ihf'i <br />.tree Impro".", "7 ..-------------.- de 'b db I d h. b 3greed <br />r::ity Issess tile 9JiU,1l' ~~sl r,( Ihe Improvement f1g&inst our property Scrl.. e f;NJ an '(1 y . <br />to pay the 9nUre ()()tI~ I'!> aj:1poMionttd hy ItU! clly <br /> <br />1. <br />2. <br />3, <br />4, <br /> <br /> <br />L)~'S(;liplirm Qf Pr'JPf!/ty <br /> <br />-~,. .....-- .....,._. .... o. 'OM. ,j .______..~..__._"_ I__'._'_~'."",_,,,_., ._.....___... <br /> <br />.Richard S, Carlson <br />----..--.--....,.-- <br /> <br />43 Acre Wilhar~x: ..l:'~__,_._...__ <br />_......_.......~. .-.----..---...,.,JM...._____ .. . <br />-.....-. ~E-~f~_~!!lg..~.nd.!:ddition ~ <br />~,I_~,I. <br /> <br />examined. check.d, and found to be ill ptOOer form nnd to bli signQd by thtP , EtqLlired number of owners <br />or P'1>p<r1y Bff_ by !he "''''''ng 0""" 'm!>'"",moo. !",ili<>ned r~.,. '~, / " <br /> <br />C _-~~~ <br /> <br />City Cfe, It <br /> <br />Fool"q". k f,-/ ~ d/c~ <br /> <br />1, Whit" lh, pel~ton It bV tile "~'rll .,1 ail" IQ;I pto!)tft;, no he,ring I:H' 110IIet ... rn.~IiCMld II """'11'1 5 billow Is I\!'~Ufred b~' <br />'tit $/.wl, HO'AItlltr.!tIe ,:ourw:U aho\,llc' "'.. . ~utlon slmn.r to tr.vm 4 bdo,o". bul il\ 1ht rlf" JllVSgt1Iph "all Cl'MI\lI'C" <br />tlIll)llId be ~illJl" for the WOld. "~QuIr8d P'I'C.r.tao' of ~rs,. Tne ...,lidly oIlhia l'l101UfIorI it ~de j"CQrdntiJOllt by <br />any" propotly owntr Of Ill<< munJeI~ity llnt." an don rot '1'1,1 purlltltel. (,Oll'lmlno~ within 30 d')'t 0"'" <br />~ Ii lIlf r.~olutlon, MInn. Slit. . ':i'9.M 1, IUbd, 3. U,IIlkelh\!'!1Iu8Uon wI'IIr. UIO ptlltlOI'l i,l by Ins tnen a\l t... <br />/lft'P~ 0Wne1'$. no ",oblledo~ emu. rUtlluG".1 ...mllo be I~~~ by the .teM. ~ty'" 10 .voJct milulv;I'~ItI'~ing <br />by Slime prup.rty ownort 111d po..i,lt olljectloBs 10 IOSUll""/lt. .1181., ..Qts.,1 the 1lmCl!:&dlllg., Ih. city m.y prefer II) <br />mllil. eo!:ly of lhit It104ulloll 10 I'IIId1 c1'M'l.r, '" filet, 'n, cI:y 1l1tuelll;ne, may WIInllo '(I!Cl/r.. w,lveltl of otIJ'ClIorl$ ...nlf <br />rights I' fll1p-'11 from tlch own.,. on condition l~lIllho ltClvll aU"trller\1 emounta 10 no ft!&)r'. !l'\.~ ,".ligy,.. f1gr.~ to I~ <br />It,. waivor. TI\. llQ'Jl'\d I' \h..., III 'good l'oslliO/'l 10 :nal<.e !tl(j;lendllil", klr C11l1'1lncf S~IiOlUan P.-.per.Iion.~ Sl]f1:IllI\lon <br />of bid.. wlt~OUI I!.k t~ In, 9'1141"" IrtIHWr)'. A mod.l wa~' form" lMll DOl lit Form 2 btIDW <br /> <br />2. jIllll in w1t1apPIOI'ritltn ph.."". 'lJch as "tSNIt li'lnlltfng." ""slalllliOtl "'1711,b, :nl Duttlln;: "th~ COI\'ll'\letlCtl Of weier Illair'l~ <br />l"'weir): eill, $1M PCIrlllor tI'IUll &f r;,rqjectt 11l1d'1 'MUch 'pecillll """Il'$'"1111I1II "'ay bw ~...led pUr8UI'r\llo 1M Imp.ovemtnl <br />COdI,t< <br /> <br />3 P10Pirty O\N'~ ill IQln~ Itll\;llll) should b. ti9ned ';1'0'0'''''. <br /> <br />U t.t.~cue III Mln~.'''l~ <'illn <br />