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<br />04/09/03 WED 09:31 FAX 612 184 0082 <br />ICR for Case 01272008 <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES/LEXINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />20[) CIVIC HEIGHTS CIR. CIRCLE PINES. MN 55449 <br />CLASSIFICATION C'ODE <br />NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE 09806 <br />CLASSIFICATION CODE <br /> <br />CLASSIFICATION <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES-LEX PD ~~~ CV CITY a~L flI 009 <br /> Page 1 of2 <br /> 1 JCfJ ICASE NUMSER <br /> I ADO'L PAGESf 101272008 <br />OISP Cl.,ASSIFCATlON CODE OISP <br />S <br />OlSP I CI.Al3slFlCAilOfll CODE DISP <br />DISP CLASSIFICATlON CODE DISP <br /> <br />CODE <br /> <br />REPORTING OFFlCER(8) <br />14828 BERNARDY DALE N <br />DATE REPORTED 1 ASSIGNED 1 ARfWED 1 C~ I EARLiEST DATEJTlME occu~~ I LATEST DA TEtTiME 0CCUIft0 <br />12.119/2001 12057 12058 12102 112/19/20018:57;00 PM 112/19120018:57:00 PM <br />LOCATION OF OFFENSElINClDJ:NT IAPT/iI IGRID I VALUE SroLEN 1 VALUE DAMAGED I VALUE ReCOVERED <br />7097 CENTERVILLE RD, CENTERVII.I.E, MN 55038. SACK 00 $ I $ I $ <br />NJ 1 REPORTING PART't'S IolAME I DATE OF BIRTH ISEX I iV,ce HOME PHONE <br />I APRIL MAE JERECEZK 14118/1979 F W 651.162-3602 <br />ADCFlESS IAPgT CllY ISTATE IZlP wORK PHONE <br />7095 CENTERVILLE RD I CENTERVILlE 1 MN I 55038- - - <br />NARRATIVE <br /> <br />On 12/19/011 was called 10 the above address for a neighbor banging on the callers door. This incident appeared to be related to ICR <br />012719B3. I was condUcting routine residential patrol on Meadow Court when the call was t;llspatched and I responded as quickly as possible <br />in an atlempt to catch the person knocking on the door, <br /> <br />I arrfved and noted the juvenBe male who lives in the lower apartment standing at the callens door. I didn't iD the juvenile mae but I know <br />wnere he lives from past contact. The juvenile edvised that he was knooting on Aprirs door. The juvenile advised me that A.prilleft her laundry <br />in both machines and he wanted to do his laundry, The Juvenile advised that clothIng often gets stolen and he didn't want to be accused of <br />1aking her property. <br /> <br />The Juvenile advised that he couldn't get anyone to answer the door. The juvenile was aware !t1at I was althe residence earlier and he told me <br />that he didn't want to make too much noise because he thought April was already shook up. The juvenile advisad that he didn.t see Smith in <br />the area. <br /> <br />I knocked on the door snd couldn't gal anyone to answer the door. I knocked on her door and advised that I was the police, again no one <br />would answer the door. I shined my flashlight into the windows of the apartment and again knocked on the door announcing my self and no <br />one would answer the door. I had to contact dispat<:h to call into the resIdence to have April answer the door, <br /> <br />When I epoke with April she advised that Smith was banging on her door again. April advised that this occurred shortly after I left the address. <br />April advised that she thought that Smith was goIng to break down the door. I asked April if she saw Smith at the door. April oovised she <br />refused to leave the upstairs of the apartment. April advised that she didnt want Smith to see her, <br /> <br />I advised April that the juvenile from the lower apartment was knocking on the dear. I advl8ed Aprillhat it appeared she left her laundry In the <br />mschlnes and the male was going to advise her so she would move the laundry. I advised April that the juvenile knocked on the door for <br />S&Veril minutes and was stili there when I arrived. The juvenile apologized to April and told her that he didn't mean to get her up~et and was <br />attempting to knock as quietly as possible to get her attention. <br /> <br />April then advised that Smith also called her after I left and swore at her for calling the police. April also advised that Smith had threatened to <br />kill her over the phone for calling the police. April advise<l that no method or specifiC intent to carry out the threat was made to her. <br /> <br />. <br />The juvenile malt requested that April remove her clothing from the laundry machines and she refused. ~.prtl advised that she wasn't going to <br />leave her apartment stating that Smith "mlgtl1 be out there./I April gave the jtlvenne permission to remove her clothing. <br /> <br />I advised April that from the time frame involVed it appeared that Smith wasn't knocldng on her door. April stated that she understood. The <br />juvenile male advised mat he wasn't knocking on the door hard and he apPMred to be surprised that i received a complaint from April. <br /> <br />I cleared lhe call since it appeared that April was upset over the juve!1lle knocking on her door. No contact wes made with Smith since AprB <br />was accusing her of knocking on the door when It appears that she wasn't. No investigation to follow. <br /> <br />Scene cleared. <br />D.8ernardy#111 <br />CLPD <br /> <br />htt'p:f/156.142213 . 169/icr.asp ?CaseJ':rumber=01272008&Jurisdiction,=:MN0020300 <br /> <br />4/9/2003 <br />