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<br />04/09/03 WED 09:36 FAX 612 184 0082 CIRCLE PINES-LEX PD <br /> <br />Le:fC'fj1ofl No~fJ <br /> <br />~~~ CV CITY a~L <br /> <br />III 017 <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />. ~. ...! <br /> <br />SECTION 11.60. &ERFORHANCE STANI'.lAlmS. <br /> <br />Subd.. 1. Intent. These performance stand.ards are <br />aesign~d such to encourage a high standard of d.velopment by <br />provi~ins aSS~L~ce that neighbor1ng land. ua.~ will be <br />compatibl$. ,These standards are Cl30 acdgneCi to eliminate <br />bligh t . Al~ future developman t in all' dis tri6ts $h.aJ.l be <br />required to meet these 5tmnCUc.s. 'I'hese'standa;E:'ds shall also <br />apply to ex~st1ng de~elopment$ ~here stated. <br /> <br />SuOd. 2. Glare. Any lighting use~ to illuminate an <br />off-street parking area, $isn or other structure, shall be, <br />arranged se .5 to deflect light awi;l,Y from adjoining <br />residential ~~strict$ or from publ~c S~r6Qts. <br /> <br />Sued. :3. storag~ and Pi.c:poS::u of ChercI:i.ca1.s. All <br />commercial and industrial ~ses associated with the bulk <br />storage of oil, gasoline, liquid fertilizer or other <br />b.a~araous materials shall require a conditional use permit' <br />and compliance with all State and local 11fe safety <br />agency regulations in order that the Counoil may have <br />assurance that fire, explosion, or water. or soil <br />oQntanu.nat1on hazards are not: oresent tha.t: 'woula be <br />detrimental to the public health,,ety . and wlelfaJ;e. All <br />disposal operations shall be in complianoe with appro~riat. <br />State, County, and ~ederal re9ulatio~s. <br /> <br />Subd. .1. Nu:i.sances. No noise, odors, vib:ration, <br />smoke, air pollution, liqu:i~ or solid wastes. heat,glare, <br />d\tet, or other adverse influence$! $ha.llbe pei:'l'tlH:tad that <br />will in any way have an objectionable effect upon. adjacent or <br />nearby propert:r. <br /> <br />A. No~se. It is unlawful to make, continua <br />or cause to be made or continued. any 'noiSe in excess of the <br />noise levels set forth unless $~ch nOise be reasonably <br />necessary to th~ preservation of life, health; safety, or <br />property. <br /> <br />1. Measurement of Any activity <br />which cre4tes or prQQuces sound regcrdless of frc~eney <br />excn~ing tp.e ambient noi.e levels at the property. line of <br />any property by more thon dx decibel$ abo~e the ambier. t <br />noise levels as designated ~n the fQllow~g table, shall be a <br />violation. <br /> <br />-206- <br />