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<br />JLN-l13-2003 11: 36 <br /> <br />P.131/138 <br /> <br />900 NulU1ces <br /> <br />~l~ <br />)J{)ZS6 {)rJ~~ <br /> <br />901. General Nuisances <br /> <br />901.01 Public Nuhance DefIned. Whoever by]lis ad or failure to perform a <br />leglll duty does any of the foUowJng ja guilty of mamtalDlDg a pubUc nuisance, which JJ <br />a misdemeanor: <br /> <br />(1) Maintains or permits a concWion which unreasonably annoys, <br />injures, or endaagers die safety, health, morals, comfort, or <br />repose of any couiderable DUmber of memben of the public; <br />or <br /> <br />(%) IDterferes ~ obttructs, or renders dangerous ror passage, <br />any public hipway or ript-of-way, or waters used by the <br />public:; or <br /> <br />(3) Is guilty of any other act or omission declared by law or this <br />code to be a publk nuisance and for which no sentence Is <br />specifically provided. <br /> <br />901.02 Public Nuisanee AffectiDl! B~alth. The foUowiq are hereby declared to <br />b~ ooisances a:fI'ecting health: <br /> <br />(1) Exposed accumulation of decayed or unwholesome food or <br />veJetable matter; <br /> <br />(2) AU diseased animals nmDiDg at large; <br /> <br />(~) Pools of stagnant water; <br /> <br />(4) Carc:uses of anfmals not buried or destroyed witb.fa 24 hOUN <br />after death; <br /> <br />(5) Accumulation of manure, tiD cans, bottles, trash, ashes, refuse <br />or debris of any nature or dac.ripti.on; <br /> <br />(6) PrIvy vaults and garbage cans wbJch are Dot rodent-tree or By- <br />tight or which are ISO maintained. as to coastitute a health <br />hazard or to emit foul ad disap-eeable odors; <br /> <br />(7) The poBUtioD of any public weB or cistern, stream or lake., <br />canal Dr body of water by sewage, industrial waste, or ather <br />substances. <br /> <br /> <br />P08t-lr Fax Note 7671 <br />To <br />