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Page 2 of 2 <br /> put a bag of garbage by the dumpster for pick up and the main garbage is full also. I also put a bunch of <br /> branches by the bag that could be picked up. No new graffiti which is good news. I do not remember if <br /> the clear globe on the play tower had a burn hole through the center of it. If it did not it does now. That <br /> was the only damage I found. <br /> We may want to look at putting a dog waste station at this park. I found many plastic bags tossed in the <br /> woods with you know what in it. Great they picked up after the dog but why throw it in the woods. I do <br /> not get people. <br /> Please feel free to forward this to the other members with my apologies for not being there Saturday. <br /> Thanks, <br /> Jon <br /> This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service. <br /> For more information please visit http: / / <br /> 4/24/2012 <br />