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<br />Exhibit "A" <br /> <br />_DE8CRIPI1ON8: <br /> <br />~ IiII m_D: <br /> <br />Roadway r ..q A:. <br />A Pelmanent Eaaement for Roadway PlIP0888 over, under and across the East 33.00 <br />feet dthe SOUItl Half of the SouttIwest QUerter of the NorttIwest auarterd SeaIIon <br />24, TownahIp31 North, Range 22 West, AnckaOlunly, Mfnne8oIa.. <br />ContaIning 21,815 sq. ft. orQSlO8Aa88ofland <br /> <br />Ra8dway '" ......1... B:: <br /> <br />A Pennanenl Easement for Roadway Pf,IfJlOSeS over. under ancl aoRlS8 the East 330 <br />feet of the Soultt Half of the SouthweSt Quarter of the Northwest QuaIter ofSecllon <br />24. Town&hJp31 North, Range 22 West, AnoIcBcounty, Mfnne80la desclibedas <br />folIow8: <br />Commeuclng at the Souttl8I8t comer of 8IllkI SoulhwestQualterdthe NmlhwelIt <br />Quarter; thence along the SOUItl line d said SouttIwest CkIarter. South 88 degr1le8 <br />55 minutes 54 seccnfa West, assumed bearing. a clIsl8nced33.oo1eet to the PoInt <br />of Beglrmlng of said Ea&ement herein desorIbed; IIenoeCOl'llinulng, Soulh 88 <br />degrees 65 mlnutB& 54 seconds west, a cielanoe of87.00feet; tt8nDe Na1h 44 <br />deg88 5OmlnutB& 23 seconds West, a dI8Iance 01'274.47 feel; lt1enll8a1onga <br />curve. concave to the SOUlhwest. whose eIementB are: centI8I angle 01' rrr degrees 58 <br />minutes 49eeoond8, radlU8 of 170.00 feet, 8R) lenglhd23.66feet and aolmlthat <br />bear8 North 48 degrees 49 mInute8 38 8IlCOlld8 West. a chad dlslBnceol'23.84 r.t <br />to the West line Of &aid East 330 feet; thence lIklng 88Id West Line, Nodh 00__ <br />21 minutes 36 88CClI1d8 West, a dI8Iance 0170.58 feet; lIenoealcnl a CIlIVe, CCll'lCIM <br />to the Southwe8t. whose e/emenIs are: centIaI angle 01' 18 degrees" mInulIIB fS1 <br />&eCOIllI8, radius d 230.00 feet. 8R) length 01' 75.26 feet and a chord that bears South <br />54 degrees 12 minutes 51 seconds Eatt, a chord dI8lanc8of74.93 feet; thenlle Soulh <br />44 clegl88850 mlnuIe823seconds Eatt, a dl8lanceof 176.3Ofeet; lIenoealong a <br />curve. ClOIlllIMto tile Northeast. whose eIementB are: centI8I q1eof32 degnle8 36 <br />minutes 11 eeoond8, radlU8of17O.oofeet, 81Clenglhof96.69feetandachcrdthat <br />bear8 South 81 degnIes f11 minutes 58 seconds East, a chord dlsIlIncB ofS5.39" <br />thence North 81 degrees 30 minutes 12 eecond8 East, adlsl8nce d 33.70 feet to the <br />West Une 01' the Cast 33.00 feet of 8IIId f,ast 3301eet; thence along &aldVVelltUne, <br />South 00 cIegreea 21 mlnu188 48 seconds East, a dkIlanced80.32 reetto 8lIId PoInt <br />of BegInning. <br />containing 24,149 sq. ft. Ol'QS544 Acns of land. <br /> <br />UtI., ....~_ 0: <br />A Pennanent Easement for utII\ty p&IpOlI88 over, under and 8CI'088 the Nodh 10.00 <br />feet dthe Yieet 2ff1 feet d 1he Eat\: 330 feet db south Hall'ofth8Sou1hwe81: <br />QuI!ter of the Nolthwe&t Quarter 01' Section 24, Township 31 North, Range 22 We&t. <br />AnoIe County, MInne8ota. <br />CClntaInIng 2,981 sq. ft. OI'Qal8OAclesofland <br /> <br />A Pelmanent DIsemenl for Roadway purposes over, lIldIrand 8llI'Oll8 the NoItheast <br />Quarter of the SOUlllWe8t QUarter of SectIon 24, Tcwnehlp31 NoI1h, __ 22 Wlst. <br />AnoIe County, Minnesota. desoribedas foIIow8: <br />BegInnIng at the NoJtheut comer of said Northeast Quarter. 1Ienoe8lollg tf1eNodh <br />L.Inil of &aid Northeast Quarter, South 88 clegl88S55 mtnutes 54 seconds West. <br />assumed bearing, a distance d 120.00feet; thence ScuIl58cfegrees 25 mIrnte8 27 <br />seconds East. a dI8I8noe d 104.67 feet; ti1enoeSOUlti 00 degrees 13 milUes 08 <br />seoond8 East, a dI8IanCe d 40.00 feet; 1I'lence North 69 degrees 48 mtnuIe8 52 <br />seconds East. a distance d 33.00feel: to the East uneof 88Id NoIthelIBtQl8lterof <br />88ld Souttteast Quarter; thence along 88IcI East une. Ncrth 00 degrees 13 mlnules 08 <br />ll8COllds West, a dIsIance of 100.00 feel: to &aid PoInt of BegInnlrv: <br />ContaInIng 5,880 eq. ft. 01'0. 1350 Aaes of land. <br /> <br />Dndnage and UtIlIty Iu UII.llt I: <br />A Pelmanent Eases/l8f1t for OI8Inage and utility purposes fNft/, UIllfe' and IlllI'OIl8 the <br />East 330 feet of the South Half of the SOUthweat QllIIter dthe Nolthw88t Qa1er d <br />8ecIIon 24, TownatlIp 31 North, Ran;e 22 West, Andca ~ MInne80Ia cIel!CIlbed <br />as I'olkwI8: <br />CornmenoIng at the Southeast comer of said SOUthwest Quarter dtheNorthwe&t <br />Qu8Iter; thence atong the South LIne dsald SoulhwestQlarler. ScruIh 88 dearees55 <br />minutes 5488DD1'1dsWest, assumed bearing. a dlstanced12CUlOfeettothaJSolntd <br />BegInnIng of said Easemenl herein de8ail:led; thence North 44 __ fK) lIlIrUes <br />23 88llOI'ld8 west. a distance of 274.'f1 feet; lhencealcq a CUMt. COI1lllMtothe <br />SOUII\West, whose elements lie: oenII8I angle of f11 degreea58l111nUle849 eeaand8. <br />radIU8 of 170.00 feet, aro length af 23.66 feet and a chon1thalbeaJ8Narth. degrees <br />49 mInuIe8 38 eeccn:Ie West. a chord distance of 23.84 feet to the West line deald <br />East 330 feet; thence along said West line, South 00 degnles21 mimIIIls 35 seconds <br />East, a dI&fBnce of214.11 feet to &aid South Ure; tlwlceaJang ealdSaulh LIne, Nadh <br />88 degrees 55 minutes 53 seconds East, a dI8tBnce rl21Q02 feet to lIIiIld Pcint d <br />BeginI1Ing. <br />ContaInlf13 22,714 sq. ft. 01' 0.5214 Aaes of IlIInd. <br />