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2012-07-25 CC Packet
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2012-07-25 CC Packet
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Snow and Ice Control <br /> Calibration Procedures for Spreaders <br /> Four basic steps <br /> 1. Measure the amount of sand and salt discharged in one <br /> auger revolution. <br /> 2. Count the number of auger revolutions per minute at <br /> each setting. <br /> 3. Determine the discharge rate bymultiplying the number <br /> of revolutions per minute by the amount of sand and salt <br /> discharged per revolution. <br /> 4. Multiply the discharge rate by the minutes it takes to <br /> travel one mile. <br /> Example: <br /> Speed Time to travel one mile <br /> 20 mph = 3 minutes <br /> Minutes /mile x Discharge rate /minute = lbs /mile at <br /> setting number 4 <br /> 3 min. /mi. x 200 Ibs/min. = 600 lbs/mi. <br /> Step -by -step calibration procedures <br /> 1. Move the spinner out of the way and set the spinner 12. Perform steps 9 through 12 two more times, collecting a <br /> control to zero. In most situations it is not necessary to total of three samples. Record this data on the Field Col - <br /> disconnect the hydraulic hose. lection Chart. Calculate the average by adding the three <br /> 2. Set the auger control for a normal operating mode. numbers together and then dividing that total by three. <br /> 3. Clean the shaft end of the auger and place an index mark Record your calculated average pound per revolution on <br /> on it, so you can count the number of auger revolutions. the Field Collection Chart in the bold box and in column <br /> 4. Install an auger shield to gain the most accurate measure- C on the Calibration Worksheet Application Rate Chart. <br /> ment. 13. This completes the steps to collect and weigh the three <br /> 5. Place enough sand and salt in the truck to put a load on samples. <br /> the spreader. The material used for calibration should be 14. Next, count the number of auger revolutions at each set - <br /> of the same percentage mix as what you normally use on Ling of the sander. One person counts the auger revolu- <br /> the road. tions for 15 seconds at every setting while another person <br /> 6. Rev the engine to normal operating speed of at least 1500 times this procedure. Record the results on the Calibra- <br /> RPM. lion Worksheet, Application Rate Chart Column A. Mul- <br /> 7. Let the auger discharge for a few revolutions until there is tiply by 4 to get revolutions per minute (RPM) and record <br /> a steady flow of sand and salt. in Column B. <br /> 8. While the material is flowing steadily, the observer tells 15. Calculate the Discharge Rate by multiplying Column B by <br /> the collector to hold the pail under the discharge of the the Average Pounds per revolution from Column C (trans - <br /> spreader. ferred from the Field Collection Chart). <br /> 9. The observer counts aloud the revolutions of the auger. 16. Determine the Application Rate (pounds discharged per <br /> When the pail is two -thirds full, the observer gives a ver- mile) by multiplying the Discharge Rate (Column D) by <br /> bal signal and the collector removes the pail. the minutes to travel 1 mile at varying speeds as shown in <br /> 10. The observer records the number of auger revolutions on the columns labeled E. Repeat for each control setting. <br /> the Calibration Worksheet Field Collection Chart. 17. Transfer the numbers from Column E of the Applica- <br /> 11. Weigh the pail containing the sand and salt sample. lion Rate Chart to the Calibration Cab Card in the truck. <br /> Remember to deduct the weight of the pail. Record the Round off all numbers to the nearest 25 pounds. <br /> pounds for this first sample on the Field Collection Chart. <br /> 84 <br />
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