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<br />MINNESOTA DEPARlMENT OF REVENUE <br /> <br />MONTIfl Y SIHIARY and TAX RETURN (G-I) <br />Paqe 2 <br /> <br />Organization License Month and Year <br />03800 MARCH 2003 <br />17 Gross profit from line 16 of page 1. . . . <br />18 Beginning Inventory (Last Month Line 21) . . . <br />- 19 Gambling Product Obtained, with Sales Tax. <br />20 Goods Available (Line 18 plus Line 19) . <br />21 Ending Inventory (excludes SaTes Tax). . <br /> <br />22 Goods Used (line 20 minus Line 21) . <br /> <br />. . . . <br /> <br />. . . . . <br /> <br />. . . . . <br /> <br />23 Compensation and Payroll taxes. . <br /> <br />. . . . . . <br /> <br />24 Penalty or Interest on Taxes paid during the month <br />25 Advert i sing. . . . . <br /> <br />. . . . <br /> <br />. . . . . <br /> <br />26 Accounting and legal Services. <br /> <br />27 Miscellaneous Expenses, Supplies & Bank Charges. . <br /> <br />28 Purchase/Repair of Furnishings or Devices for Gambling. <br />29 Rent for the Purpose of Conducting Lawful Gambling <br />30 Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . <br /> <br />31 Theft and Liability Insurance. <br /> <br />........ . <br /> <br />32 Manager's Bond, Licenses, Local Fee, Premises Permit. <br /> <br />33 Cash long(-) or Cash Short(+). . . . <br /> <br />........ . <br /> <br />34 DEPOSIT REQUIRED, Excess Cash Short Reimbursement(-) . <br />35 Deposited Amount, Excess Expense Reimbursement(-). . <br />36 TOTAl ALLOWABLE ExPENSES (Add lines 22 through 35) . <br />37 NET PROFIT (Line 17 minus Line 36) . . . . . . . . . <br />38 Prior Month Profit Carry-Over (line 44 from last Month). . . <br /> <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />. . 20 <br />. . 21 <br />. . 22 <br /> <br />33,604.42 <br />4,381.22 <br />4,982..39 <br />9,363.61 <br />4,285.99 <br />5,077.62 <br /> <br />. . 23 18,147.92 <br /> <br />24 <br />. . 25 <br />. . 26 <br />27 <br />. 28 <br />. 29 <br />. . . 30 <br /> <br />. . . 31 <br />. 32 <br />. . 33 <br /> <br />0.00 <br />0.00 <br />265.00 <br />0.00 <br />650.00 <br />3,550.00 <br />550.00 <br />0.00 <br />0.00 <br />177.00 <br /> <br />· · · 34 0.00 <br />. 35 0.00 <br />. 36 28,417.54 <br />. 37 5,186.88 <br /> <br />. 38 <br /> <br />39 Approved Adjustments (Attach letter and/or Add Line 5C if not zero). . 39 0.00 <br /> <br />59,416.26 <br /> <br />40 BALANCE Sub-Total (Add Lines 37, 38 and 39). . . . <br />4~ lawful Purpose Expenditures (line 11 Schedule C/O) . <br />42 Board-Approved Expenditures (line 13 Schedule C/O) . <br /> <br />43 Total Expenditures (Add lines 41 and 42) . <br />44 PROFIT CARRY-OVER (Line 40 minus line 43). <br />46 FUNDS BALANCE DIFFERENCE from Schedule F, Line 22. <br /> <br />. . . . . <br /> <br />.46 <br />. . .47 <br /> <br />47 Pulltab & Tipboard UNSOLD TICKETs this month <br /> <br />. . . . <br /> <br />. 40 64,603.14 <br /> <br />. 41 <br />. 42 <br />. . . 43 <br /> <br />4,289.98 <br />0.00 <br />4,289.98 <br /> <br />· · . . 44 60,313.16 <br />0.00 <br />98,948.00 <br />