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x l <br /> r 4 max' 3 <br /> Amount ($) of CDBG Request 372,000.00 <br /> Amount ($) of Agency's Resources 70,000.00 <br /> Amount ($) from other loan /grant Sources <br /> Total Program Costs ($) 442,000.00 <br /> Does the total project cost account for federal prevailing wages if applicable? (Reference the Application <br /> Guide for information on federal wages) <br /> ❑ Yes ❑ No <br /> Is there a fiscal financial agent other than the applicant? 10 No ❑ Yes: who <br /> Will CDBG funding be used to leverage additional funding? ❑ Yes No <br /> Can this project be partially funded? <br /> ❑ Yes Q■ No <br /> If application is requesting funds for multiple items, prioritize items and amounts needed: <br /> Priority 1: <br /> Priority 2: <br /> Priority 3: <br /> Consult the Application Guide for requirements on this section. The budget proposal is in an Excel document <br /> available on our Web site: a hard copy of the budget in that form must be submitted with this proposal. <br /> The scope of this work would be to construct a water main in the rear of the back yards and then <br /> run service lines to each of the homes in the neighborhood. The grant would essentially cover the <br /> costs associated with the watermain and the installation of water services (and other associated costs: <br /> engineering, water access charge, permits and water meters) to those that income qualify. The <br /> neighborhood consists of 37 homes. Based upon income surveys returned to date it is projected that <br /> 26 homes will qualify as low and moderate income, which is 70% of the 37 homes. <br /> Anoka County CDBG Application <br /> 'Aw <br />