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Page 3 - Winter, 2011 <br />ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY INFORMATION (Cont’d) <br /> <br />(Continued from Page 2) <br />Chlorides are applied on our roads, sidewalks and parking lots to melt ice. How- <br />ever, once dissolved in water, the salty mixture goes directly to our creeks and <br />lakes from our streets and homes via our storm drain system. <br /> <br />Chloride is considered a “conservative pollutant”, meaning it does not break-down <br />into a non-toxic substance. Once chloride is in a stream or lake, it is nearly <br />impossible to get rid of. Salt harms plants and animals, contaminates our drinking water, <br />damages buildings, and corrodes vehicles, roads and bridges. Too much salt results in costly <br />damages and serious environmental consequences. Even if your bag of deicer says environ- <br />mentally friendly it does not mean it is friendly to our waters especially, if the word ‘chloride’ is <br />listed in the ingredients. <br /> <br />Tips to Keep Your Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks Safe and Our Waters <br />Healthy <br />Before the storm, apply a liquid deicer before snow storms to prevent snow and ice <br />from building up. This is not a substitute for shoveling; it just makes it more effec- <br />tive. <br />Shovel that snow. Shoveling, snow blowing, plowing and/or sweeping are all effec- <br />tive measures that will remove snow and minimize ice build-up. <br />Less is better. When applying salt, if there are leftover crystals still visible then the <br />salt has been over-applied. The left-over salt can be swept up and reused or dis- <br />posed of in the trash. <br />Temperature matters. At low temperatures, salt begins to become less effective. <br />When the temperature falls below 15°F, consider using small amounts of sand for <br />traction. <br /> <br />Make a difference this winter; help us keep salt out of our waters! If you would like to <br />know more about this topic and other topics related to water quality, go to <br /> to sign up for the RCWD eNews on the right side of the home- <br />page. <br />HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE <br />Unusable or unwanted chemicals are considered household hazardous waste when <br />their disposal poses an environmental or health threat. People who improperly <br />dispose of hazardous waste in the garbage, down the drain, or on the ground, can <br />CITY REQUIRED TO UPDATE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />contaminate water and soils, or harm garbage haulers. <br />Several area cities are required to update their Surface Water Management <br /> <br />To find out if a product is hazardous, read the product label. Certain signal words <br />Plans with Centerville being one of those. Council directed staff to solicit propos- <br />indicate the type of hazard posed by a product: flammable, combustible, corrosive, <br />als. The City’s current plan has not been updated since 2004. It is required that <br />toxic. Other signal words indicate the degree of hazard: caution, warning, danger, <br />the Board of Managers of the Rice Creek Watershed District approve the plan on <br />and poison. <br />or before June 9, 2012. Stay tuned... <br /> <br />Products with these signal words on the label should be brought to the Anoka <br />COMMITTEE VACANCY <br />County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Please note: Businesses, schools, <br />and organizations may not bring hazardous waste to the household facility. <br />ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY? <br /> <br />After 5 years of service on the Parks & Recreation Committee, Mr. Kevin Se- <br />Examples of products to bring to the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste <br />lander resigned his position and the Committee bid him farewell and thanked him <br />Facility include: <br />for his commitment to the community. This leaves a position just for you, if you <br />are interested in the outdoor amenities that Centerville has to offer. The Com- <br />Driveway sealer, paint, paint stripper, paint thinner, wood preservatives, carburetor <br />mittee meets the 1st Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Cham- <br />cleaner, petroleum-based waxes and finishes, drain and oven cleaner, mothballs, <br />bers. There is a small stipend for serving. If you are interested, please contact <br />nail polish and remover, spot remover, ant, bug, roach, and rodent killer, bug spray, <br />City Hall. <br />charcoal lighter fluid, pool chemicals, weed killer, aerosols (with product remaining). <br /> <br />NEW WATER METER INSTALLATION <br />For information about acceptable wastes, call Anoka County Integrated Waste Man- <br />agement at 763-323-5730. <br />The City Council authorized the installation of the new remote water reading <br />Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Facility <br />system on all homes and businesses in Centerville. This requires installing a <br />Address: 3230—101st Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55449 <br />new device that is about the size of a large coffee mug on the outside of your <br />Phone: 763-323-5730 or Website: <br />building. The device has a radio in it that can transmit the reading from your <br /> <br />water meter to the city without someone having to walk on your property prior to <br />Hours of operation: <br />each billing period. These installations will be completed over the next 18 <br />April – October <br />November – March <br />months. The installation takes only a few minutes and generally can be com- <br />Wednesday: 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Wednesday: 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. <br />pleted without having access to the meter that is located in the basement of your <br />Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. <br /> Saturday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. <br />home. So if you see a city vehicle parked in your neighborhood, this could be <br />Closed Independence Day <br /> Closed New Year’s Day & Christ <br />the work they are doing. <br /> mas <br />THE CITY NEEDS YOU! UTILITY RATE INCREASE <br />ARE YOU INTERESTED IN FLOWER GARDENING? <br />Starting with your January, February, March quarterly utility billing, it will incor- <br />porate the new fees established by Council at their December 28, 2011 meet- <br />The City has numerous park monuments and parks that need <br />ing. Sewer/Wastewater Fee per quarter will increase from $59.25 to $65 and <br />assistance in weeding throughout the spring, summer and fall. <br />the Storm Water Management Fee per quarter will increase from $9.50 to $12. <br />If you are interested, please contact City Hall. <br />