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Res. #13-010 - Requesting Funding to Investigate the Feasibility of Collaboration Venture
City Council
Res. #13-010 - Requesting Funding to Investigate the Feasibility of Collaboration Venture
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RESOLUTION NO. 13 -010 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CENTERVILLE REQUESTING FUNDING <br /> TO INVESTIGATE THE FEASIBILITY OF COLLABORATION VENTURE <br /> WHEREAS, the six cities of Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbus, Hugo, Lino <br /> Lakes, and Lexington have collaborated to save money and improve <br /> efficiencies in a variety of areas, where all or some of the cities participate, <br /> including; building inspection, road salt management, equipment purchases <br /> and sharing, fuel purchasing, police services, fire services; and <br /> WHEREAS, the six cities see a potential opportunity to collaborate in the <br /> areas of operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer systems and water <br /> supply and distribution systems (UTILITY SYSTEMS); and <br /> WHEREAS, the age and condition of the UTILITY SYSTEMS within the cities <br /> are very different, and <br /> WHEREAS, some of the six cities have considerable room to grow which will <br /> require significant investment UTILITY SYSTEMS, while other cities are fully <br /> developed and may need earlier replacement as the UTILITY SYSTEM ages, <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the six cities have a duplication of staff and equipment <br /> maintaining UTILITY SYSTEMS, and it appears that that a joint entity may be <br /> able to provide maintenance and operation of these systems for cost savings <br /> and efficiency, and <br /> WHEREAS, the city council recognizes the complexity of this collaboration <br /> effort and the uncertainty that all of the cities will benefit, while also seeing a <br /> potential for cost savings and efficiency, and <br /> WHEREAS, it would take considerable engineering and financial analysis to <br /> determine if this collaboration effort will be advantageous. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA, EMBRACES THE CONCEPT OF <br /> COOPERATIVE UTILITY SERVICES AND SYSTEMS. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, <br /> 1. The city council recognizes the potential benefit of joint <br /> operation of its UTILITY SYSTEMS. <br /> 2. Staff is authorized to submit applications on the city's behalf <br /> to secure grant funds to do a detailed feasibility analysis of <br /> the cooperative utility concept. <br />
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