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Standard Terms and Conditions <br /> 1 Term The tam of San Agreement sAal be Mee (3) years fort the date vW*d by you, M Customer <br /> 2 Pnce Increases (a) Increase n Property Sue Besse M awe of you property w a -ogre&-[ factor n deounaag M cost of TeuGreen's sa aces, TruGreen may ncreaas M speMud d.1 <br /> 9. prapaeerhady to rifted any addoouW Wosb rmxred <br /> slmotd you add property radw gas Agreem.nt (b) Fna, Modeno, and Labor Cost kweases. B.ceu.e M product labor. and Nast ass e«.wum • ehgrhAcrt porton a Trutirsan rrvras, TnuGraen may M pews Merda n M avert of a red <br /> increase n ay a twos aer Brewery. TnoGreen may epauawe om ncreases as • result of edw uweneasen arwnoWOas, arddrg, but not broad to, dhages n government reptabar, em To olWt ood increases bard w any a rive wruse. <br /> TruGnen shad pros de you dry (30) days mTwn neeca pnor to any such necewry pee adjustment, a,d,d„p a sntamarR a M essooeed mesa, Mysu do mwl obled n wntsg b M prove edjhmsunhenrt woven aherA Mty (30) deg perod, M Apeemeud <br /> anal corksw riwetter at the a*u lid pyre I you obpd. you and TruGreen sad eta woo a son gwkwh <br /> nepolmm perbd I a nanny accept" sokAon cannot be reached durrg s Isri4ay pemd, ewers party may temnwh In Ag semen upon tarry (30) days mrabn rostra (c) AuaaN Prove Increases Tndreen may aid to nacre M peace of <br /> connote under to Agreement star M fiat year or abr any subsequent asn"mary data eta Apeemont by • percentage smoud not to exceed he parcert (5%) of M Ian current pyre, or o"ecle l wth any astronaut n M anent c«erner price <br /> Index, wfadaw a greater Wwh M exception a ncresses as desobsd m utporagraphe (a) and (b) of tas pa tgraph 2, Tmoreen shell not rATere is prices an an WAve bass more fragu rdy torn once dung any Agrrrnera yea <br /> 3 Paymat Tema Peyrtwrt a due b TruGrem wade 30 dap a6sr the more der In M weed thet yw fa b make paymM vMen due, TrhGreen cremes ep asps m mmruu the Agreement A onus rcwu tae spud m M learn a 1 S %par morn <br /> (1e% a p r) «the maamun rrrednte sowed by bw w1 be dwgod m arty bWWm upwd owe tab (30) dWp A wMm dWge of $25 00 vad be dhwged kr ny reamed dwek Shmdd a became neosery m bring en aebon b ceed smouaa rbw <br /> under On agreement, you agree to pay at cur of such collection including, but not forted m, any reasonable oWre counsel, -house counsel, paalgW a oew profenwaI fees a court cub <br /> 4 Check proce'rg policy ACH When you prevds s oiled as payment, you ahxtwme Tnr— ed her to h.o rhionnaton eom you chat k to mace a o s►tme aboeoac fund tnrobr dote your account or or process M payer t as •deck enacts n N <br /> Tn r,reen sea xtamabm from you deck b mdse m aettr sad tar.W, lads may be wxthdawn from gar eceaurt r anion r IM same deg we rrawe gar payment and you was not receNe your dheak barA from you 6rhamhpN r.earbn Rebrhas <br /> new avert fw gar paym«t a retucwd vpad, ysu sutwrcre us tlm open b celfad • fee n Vowed by mw Mordh en ekctrorso lad tarrra lion your ahxohrt <br /> 5 <br /> Termination In M arse of you w rnpayrnera a defou4 TruNcen has M nght b bemnste tas Aaeemart anM6atey upon nobce to you You may ewhoel rice Agreement for mamas breach by TruGreen. prewded that TnuGmen. paled vnften <br /> rhothoe 6y you aM delis aM breech, rod 1preafte fats b are M beach vynllmrm twly (30) cep after sad trace AddborW henneubon pavuws for landscape cooperate, property m nagemwa oonpars, agaris and otw wmtrr sloes To go <br /> extent you represent one or more property owmac "a properties covered under In agreement and n M wet such owner lermnetes you contract vel h regard to erne or more woperass, hen upon now to Tworeen. you may brrraole gas <br /> Agreement only as a relates to such property fa whch crone brmnnded Ins contract wsh you To M extent fool gas Agreement apples to other propertr, not bmausled by the owner, gas Agreement shad sonbes n N face and effect min regard ea <br /> such other poperbee <br /> 6 Sale of Property You agree to noEfy TruGmen n wring anmedatey m M event trot you toil any property vhwch a M subject of gas Agreement TruGreen dub make M rpproprrm 8*x ment of prove to accommodate the reduWoh of uWe footage <br /> treated n the evert rid popery ■ cold In M event ad property Mach s M subject of the Agreement a sold, the Agreement shall be brmnaled upon rectpt by TruGreen of you women nobce Mt you law sold M property <br /> 7 LIABILITY TRUGREEN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ITS NEGLIGENCE, BUT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING <br /> OR RESULTING FROM THE PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF ANY OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE AGREEMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS OR INCOME. REGARDLESS OF THE BASIS FOR THE <br /> CLAIM- <br /> S Duty to Inspect You taw: a duty to upped the property whin Mleen (15) days after se— has been perlo n ed by T.C.— I you be%— TnAnan pralxled deficient —k. you agree to nobly TruGreen onmartey n ew" IMrnan notce r not <br /> reamed by TnrGreen wthn fifteen (15) dogs alter 0. data of service, you agree gw any and r door. staging damage of ey nso- or b recover past prymens awe« rights to vWMwM b t re payments due under ors Agreement we weed <br /> t Nonce to bnanb, employer, nneeet To M edenl necessary. you have a dray to nobly, IN bnenb, employer, vrt«t and ay other erase on M prenases of a scheduled sawce poor b M performance of ay scheduled sewoo by Tn&"n <br /> 10 No Warrenbes 6hcep1 as ehprery set teeth n Ile Agresmert, TruGrasn make no wamhray a represeraaem o/ enY kmd, repressed «npked, conoemrg either produW used a wweas perWm.d, nc�Yrdeq no ompNE warranty, a merchartablay <br /> or fltess of M product for s y partic purpose, and no such warranty, "be arwWd by low, Wgs a bade, cone a p rl maws, aouas of d.sbq, or on any other base <br /> 11 Face mapue E for the payment a TruGreen a moloes owed by M d either TruGreen «you be prevented «delayed n M pertomance of any or all a M prouuont atlas Agreement, by reason of any labor depute, adnnby <br /> disturbance. dory n tanspMeOOn, govanmentel, repulabry or legal salon, ad of God or any, crap beyond such part's control, M obkpr«n hereunder of such party "be adended for as brg as such cause "be in effect and wry delayer bas <br /> .sowed by M other pony "rot be dugeabte ..y way to such pry, provided. however, M otsr perV suffeng such cause shad immeM(ey nWy M Warr parry a(%UM vsbMy and clnlf ue reasonable efkrb to remedy sate wdih d reasonable <br /> depatah I any evert a loru mjw. should prw o a parry from peformrq b obtgaburs under Use Agreement for a pond of fanety eo eectow (90) days, M other prey shelf Moe M ng t b cancel gas Agreement upon rwbee b M party unable to <br /> perform b ob gabns <br /> 12 No assgmnec You dual not hove the nght to -sW tas Agreerme t or agree In the tenter of ter Agreement by operation a Ion or o0prvase without M poor wntfer cawed of TruGreen The Agreement shall he <br /> bMhg upon, and shN Dare to rie <br /> berheM of. M pear Mete and to any permitted successes and swam <br /> 13 W.I.M. Cubed Practon The suxasa of fas program depends on propw waemg, nwwtg and chloral proclwea Some product% used by TnAreon may ncbde lobo dwutou requeaq M wafem0 a M mstena orw appbbon 11 ay adhese <br /> products we used on M property, TruGreen will provide you wdh wat&M eetrucawp bibwng the appb.W and you agree b assume such watemg resporebay Ctnate condaecs, sd condb«s, putt Season, <br /> plant maleeo, and maoanlapous <br /> ademat factors M mhpact,epone b eronwa Resits ter dAbualocobd dwases vA my dependi an emaormert culture and agroonac programs used or treatment appted Treatment for Season may include addnonal cost Corcut your <br /> TruGreen Woman for dens <br /> N es,*k ndprWam TM Perwnhreeb dash err w,d'ar been.d ream tae as ed rasa Spcax Padre rhW copped+ewh,b nladMypk tlm ehlrry r,e�Yr rrn�waa radMa ehEMrrrldwv Wnaa arrnwwtMWv TraGhr,rWWdd YahhiquYlr <br /> fdWrd pair's hasty be ehrdhd dhpwxtnp hwrhw wd Was oandaondyPr sndhape TM Opperasm.ern«aM Pr«dara hrdbgrtPm - to Apwnrawa te dawmhwdw*by Teat' You TnR' apa�lMWbap puabmaeen ashy modirYahabllr <br /> hxlhrae <br /> 15 Wool. and Baas Tout reed etcnnebon a not damsels erth any program because beneficial insects eel be Inc along wen M targeted posts Pleb rwadrd by borers have . <br /> Iagh jnababMY of death or dadma Soul hAaarel pe.Waa and aroma <br /> ppWobons mwy eland T. boa of some plot sup- Treatment 1. bavq mnb may include a troam.l rod Core of your TnuGrer pesalr wah delats <br /> IS, Amt horcrabn to provde serves TruOrecn agrees to fumah lab« and maaemls for purposes of M Agraemwt and a aufw eed by you to beat ft property at fo adder shown abort You represed and wrrard to TruGreen Sol you we M sew <br /> of sub property. or n the ewe that you re not On oveer of M property to whwh M Agreement applies, you represent and warren fat you hove M NOW bun ho ly to execub and bed the noner of M property to M terms and cwdlors of the <br /> Agreement <br /> 17 Nofra Alf rebus u rmgw.d ode M Agreement shad bar made n <br /> Custome T.0—ri <br /> 1S MANDATORY ARBITRATION Any dam, cbpae a oorweversy, regarding wry contract, son, stasis, or otherwae ('CWml, among au of a relawq to the agreement or the nei orslaps anwnp the pames Meto shad be resolved by ane eMhatcr <br /> through brag arbitration ad —tiered by M Amenwr Assonabn CAAAJ, under M AM Commeroa or Consumer, as appYceale, Rubs in effect at M ems the Clown . lied ('AAA Rulas") Copes of tha AM Rhin end o— assn be <br /> W.wd r wevv atr «g, «by olfng I4W0- 770 -7879 T1r anbtrsW's dahsrrm and a iho, bvabg, and rwrveppaatabb Judgment upon M e—d may be "wed and enforced n <br /> any tort hevrq N•dce^r Teas clehmse .made pusuaa b <br /> int aact err nvohrq r hostate commores and shot be govaeod by She Federal Aebtrabon Ad N~ pry shall sue M bear, parry other than as prevailed Men a bas <br /> Wraweem enl of this Wore or of M arbltratot s awed, any s sat may be brougM orty in Federal Dom Cad ter t DoW a, if any such out lacks ju adcm, n any state court trod has ju aAc9ws The wb*ata, and not ry lodwo, stem, a Well <br /> cart shell hew exduaw sMaly to resolve cry do" rel" to ft raerpraWon, apPlcatMy, uroneoasbMy. wbbaMay, atorceabdy or formation of f a Agreemea adu6q any dean that M or ry post of M Agreement a vast a rod" <br /> Homewr, M preceding sentence shad rat apply to M War enW W Clan Acbm Wwar' <br /> it CUSS ACTION WAIVER Any Clam must be brought n M pambes' and.hdiva cmpwq. and not m pbrlW or tlrs member n any purported era. colaet s, repraNntatsre, mbpte puatrlt or are I proeoeft (Cmas Act Mil The paean <br /> eprery wawa arty abasy madaash arty 17en Aebonnany faun The ambtratosfWI nothaw eulorybcmbar wNr Wmsw ooMM Ctw Antonnomake mmwdb Any <br /> dkm ri.t ml w past a h Chew Acton Waver r usmo m6W, u m« rmbb, Mud. «vadaele may Ina hlebmhrwd ony by • sad a eerrpemntAr.trrorh end not by n erbltraW THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WOULD HAVE HAD A <br /> RIGHT TO LITIGATE THROUGH A COURT, TO HAVE A JUDGE OR JURY DECIDE THEIR CAGE AND TO BE PARTY TO A CLAM OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, HOWEVER, THEY UNDERSTAND AND CHOOSE TO HAVE ANY CLAIMS <br /> DECIDED INDIVIDUALLY. THROUGH ARBITRATION <br /> 20 Unless elpre aay noted cruise Inn. In Agreement wd any ewawe awed by TnaGrowh peen to M knns barred set fora M aria widwou dng aM pros. a spwrb wry and M proposals, negotsera, repraraarrs and poor <br /> agreemea robbq b M &bpd matte a ton Agresnent woman or orieww, anUmtrq. without lsnYOOn any oaks agreement prevroLey executed by the parme To M extent t arty terms set fora of an rwr oe should coabd w0 the War rt fora in <br /> M Agreement. to Agroemant shad oaad No forms, , o , a werratras crow hen three amend Aran a n try shvaes seed by TuuAnn, and no aprmerb a hadem.andrq, ors «wntmn, n cry way pupawg b moody got oorhdaar sheA <br /> be be" w to plebes Mao uMr hereafter me& n evang and asgrod by auNha¢W rapretaaws of both pros <br /> 21 ear customer erase Aarnmet a only eta l accepted by you wnhh 30 dap of M dam oWmtred b customer <br /> Tnatem <br /> BY Data 3MI2013 <br /> REPRESENTATIVV GENERAL MANAGER <br /> Pea Name <br /> AUTHORIZED AGENT/ CUSTOMER <br /> Comma Sgrbre Dab <br /> AUT IOWEDAGENT /CUSTOMER <br /> 37 <br />