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<br />(D) Use not identified Uses not specifically identified in this chapter as permitted <br />shall be prohibited. Amendments to this chapter shall be required to allow any use which is not <br />clearly permitted. <br /> <br />(E) Deadline for actions. It is the intent of the city to comply with state requirements <br />for timely review and actions requiring formal approval by the city. Information submissions <br />and applications must be determined by the city to be complete before a timeline for action is <br />initiated. In the event the city cannot act upon a request within a 60-daytime frame, the Council <br />or Administrator may grant the city an automatic 60 day extension of time and the administrator <br />will notify an applicant in writing that the action will be completed within 120 days of the date <br />the application was accepted by the city. In the event that multiple approvals are involved in any <br />action, such as a site plan review requiring a variance or a zoning ordinance amendment <br />requiring a comprehensive plan amendment, each action shall require a separate, independent <br />timeline for action. <br /> <br />(F) Other ordinances. The city has enacted or may enact other ordinances that may <br />supplement or supersede this chapter, including but not limited to the subdivision chapter, <br />shoreland ordinance and the adoption of building codes. Users of this chapter should contact the <br />city to determine whether certain provisions in this chapter are affected by other chapters or <br />ordinances. <br />Cross-reference: <br />Building Code adopted, see 9 150.01 <br /> <br />* 154.005 GENERAL INTERPRETATION. <br /> <br />For clarity and consistency in the understanding and application of this chapter, the <br />following shall apply, in addition to the provisions of ~ 10.02: <br /> <br />(A) Sentence construction or phraseology in the present tense, and similarly, <br />references in the future tense may include the present; <br /> <br />(B) The catch lines of the sections of this chapter are intended as mere catchwords to <br />indicate the content of the section, and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of the sections, <br />nor be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of <br />the provisions of any sections. <br /> <br />* 154.006 DEFINITIONS. <br /> <br />For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context <br />clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Other words not included in this section shall <br />have the meaning defined in Minnesota Statutes. Other words not so defined shall have the <br />meaning customarily associated with them. <br />