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<br />BASEMENT. A portion of a building located partly underground, having more than <br />50% of its floor-to-ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground. Split level, <br />split entry and earth sheltered homes shall be construed to satisfy BASEMENT requirements. <br />. . <br /> <br />BLOCK. A tract of land bounded by streets, or a combination of streets, parks, <br />cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, shorelines, waterways or corporate boundary lines of the city. <br /> <br />BOARD. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments of the city. <br /> <br />BOATHOUSE. A structure designed and used solely for the storage of boats or boating <br />equipment. <br /> <br />BUILDABLE AREA. The space remaining on a zoning lot after minimum yard and <br />open space requirements have been met. <br /> <br />BUILDING. Any structure having a roof which may provide shelter or enclosure of <br />persons, animal or chattel, and when the structure is divided by party walls without openings, <br />each portion of the building so separated shall be deemed a separate BUILDING. <br /> <br />BUILDING COVERAGE. See lot coverage. <br /> <br />BUILDING LINE. The line, parallel to the street line, that passes through the point of <br />the principal building nearest the front lot line. <br /> <br />BUILDING, PRINCIPAL. See principal structure. <br /> <br />BUSINESS AREA. Any business . activity which renders service to other commercial or <br />industrial enterprises. <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Issued by the Building Officia1/Inspector of the <br />city upon satisfactory final inspection of dwelling unites) or commercial building(s). <br /> <br />CLEAR CUTTING. The indiscriminate removal of trees, shrubs or undergrowth with <br />the intention of preparing real property for nonagricultural development purposes. This <br />definition shall not include the selective removal of non-native tree and shrub species when the <br />soil is left relatively undisturbed, removal of dead trees or normal mowing operations. <br /> <br />CLINIC. Any establishment where human patients are examined and treated by doctors <br />or dentists but not hospitalized overnight. <br /> <br />CLUB. Any establishment operated for social, recreational or educational purposes but <br />open only to members and not the general public. <br />CLUSTER HOUSING. The grouping of single-family dwellings within specified areas <br />while maintaining the same overall allowable density in that same area. <br />