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<br />HOTEL. A building occupied as more or less temporary abiding place of individuals <br />who are lodged with or without meals for compensation and in which there are more than 10 <br />sleeping rooms usually occupied singly, and in which no provision is made for cooking in any <br />individual apartment. <br /> <br />IMPERVIOUS SURF ACE. Any material that substantially reduces or prevents the <br />infiltration of stormwater into previously undeveloped land. IMPERVIOUS SURF ACE shall <br />include graveled driveways and parking areas. <br /> <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK. A planned, coordinated development of a tract of land with 2 or <br />more separate-industrial buildings. This development is planned,-designed, constructed and <br />managed on an integrated and coordinated basis with special attention given to on-site vehicular <br />circulation, parking, utility needs, building design and orientation and open space. <br /> <br />JUNK YARD. Land or structures used for the storage or keeping of junk, including scrap <br />metals, or for the dismantling or wrecking of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery, other <br />than the storage of materials which is incidental or accessory to any business or industrial use on <br />the same lot. <br /> <br />KENNEL, COMMERCIAL. Any structure or premises on which 5 or more domestic <br />animals over 6 months of age are kept, owned, boarded, groomed, sheltered, protected, bred or <br />offered for sale or any other merchandising. Every COMMERCIAL KENNEL shall be enclosed <br />or fenced in a manner as to prevent the running at large or escape of the domestic animal(s) <br />confined therein. <br /> <br />liGHT MANUFACTURING. The processing and fabrication of certain materials and <br />products where no process involved will produce noise, vibrations, air pollution, fire hazard or <br />noxious emissions which will disturb or endanger neighboring properties. <br /> <br />LOT. A platted parcel of land intended to be separately owned, developed and otherwise <br />used as a unit. <br /> <br />LOT AREA. The area of horizontal plane bounded by the vertical planes through front, <br />side and rear lot lines. <br /> <br />LOT, CORNER. A lot abutting on and at the intersection of2 or more streets. <br /> <br />LOT COVERAGE. Determined by dividing that area of a lot which is occupied or <br />covered by the total horizontal projected surface of all buildings, including covered porches and <br />accessory buildings, by the gross area of that lot. <br /> <br />LOT DEPTH. The average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. <br />