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Financial Advisory Service Agreement
City Council
Financial Advisory Service Agreement
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4/30/2013 9:41:51 AM
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4/30/2013 9:41:51 AM
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FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICE AGREEMENT <br /> BY AND BETWEEN <br /> THE CITY OF CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA <br /> AND <br /> NORTHLAND SECURTIUS, INC. <br /> This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Centerville, Minnesota (hereinafter "City ") <br /> and Northland Securities, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota (hereinafter "NSI"). <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> WHEREAS, the City desires to have NSI provide it with advice on the structure, terms, timing and other <br /> matters related to the issuance of General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A (the "Debt ") serving in <br /> the role of financial advisor, and <br /> WHEREAS, the City and NSI are entering into this Agreement to define the financial advisory relationship at <br /> the earliest opportunity related to the Debt, and <br /> WHEREAS, NSI desires to furnish services to the City as hereinafter described, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: <br /> SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY NSI <br /> NSI shall provide all services necessary to analyze, structure, offer for sale and close the transaction. Examples <br /> of the services include the following: <br /> Planning and Development <br /> 1. Meet with City officials and others as directed to define the scope and the objectives <br /> 2. Assemble and analyze relevant statistical information. <br /> 3. Prepare a preliminary feasibility study or discuss with City officials possible funding options and the fiscal <br /> implications of each. <br /> 4. Prepare details on the recommended options - information on the issue structure, method of issuance, term, <br /> sale timing, call provisions, etc. <br /> 5. Prepare a schedule of events related to the issuance process. <br /> 6. Attend meetings of the City Council and other project and bond issue related meetings as needed and as <br /> requested. <br /> Bond Sales <br /> 1. Collect data and prepare preliminary official statement (POS). <br /> 2. Provide POS for review and approval by City. <br /> 3. Distribute the POS and bid form to prospective bidders. <br /> 4. Cause to be published the Official Notice of Sale if required by law. <br /> 5. Recommend whether the issue should secure a bond rating. If the issue is to be rated, prepare and fiunish to <br /> the rating agencies the information they require to evaluate the issue and provide their rating. Assist City to <br /> prepare and conduct rating call or other presentation. <br /> 6. Directly contact underwriters most likely to serve as syndicate managers to assure that bidding interest is <br /> established. <br />
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