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<br /> <br />City Council 2013-06-26 7:00 p.m. <br />Minutes of Work Session <br /> <br />Present were Mayor Tom Wilharber, Council members Jeff Paar, Steve King, D Love, and Ben <br />Fehrenbacher. <br /> <br />Present from Park and Rec were Pat Branch and Mark Haiden. Present from P&Z were Eric <br />Larson, Russ Koski, Matt Montain and Olaf Lee. <br /> <br />The purpose of the work session was to consider goals for 2013 and provide an opportunity for <br />committees to provide feedback to Council. <br /> <br />City Administrator Larson reviewed the 2013 Goals adopted by the Council. Major goals <br />approved by Council included encouraging commercial/industrial development, sale of excess <br />real estate owned by the City and increasing collaboration with neighboring communities. <br /> <br />Pat Branch of Park and Rec stated that he did not think the goals provided enough guidance to <br />the committees. He also suggested that each decision the city makes should point to a major <br />goal. He would like to protect the uniqueness of the city, its heritage and rural character. <br /> <br />Council member Fehrenbacher indicated that the three goals identified were intended to be <br />shorter-term in nature, brief and to the point. In addition, they do not replace our longer term <br />vision for the city. The identified goals were developed in conjunction with both committees and <br />specifically relate to spending, taxes and budget. <br /> <br />Administrator Larson pointed out that the city adopted a 20 year Comprehensive Plan that <br />provides guidance on park needs and future growth goals. These goals are not intended to replace <br />the Comp Plan. <br /> <br />An area of concern was the downtown. Consensus was that the downtown redevelopment plan <br />needs to be revisited. <br /> <br />P&Z Commissioner Olaf Lee suggested that the city might consider its zoning, if commercial <br />industrial development is a high priority. Having more flexibility in permitting uses would be <br />helpful. <br /> <br />P&Z Commissioner Koski asked the Council to consider the residents that do not come to <br />meetings but are paying for all the decisions in their taxes. <br /> <br />Council member King stated that much of what the city does is dictated by others, including the <br />State or Federal Government. <br /> <br />After considerable discussion by all, mayor Wilharber suggested that the meeting be adjourned <br />unless there is something that has not been shared and then thanked everyone for participating. <br /> <br />The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:25 p.m. <br /> <br />Dallas Larson, Administrator <br />