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MINNESOTA.- REVENUE <br />Memo <br />Date: July 31, 2013 <br />To: All Assessors <br />From: Andrea Fish, Supervisor <br />Information and Education Section <br />Subject: Local Boards of Appeal and Equalization Trained Member Clarification <br />The purpose of this memo is to clarify our interpretation of Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) <br />trained member requirements under Minnesota Statute 274.014, subdivisions 2 and 3. Subdivision 3(a) states in <br />part: "A city or town that does not comply with these requirements is deemed to have transferred its board of <br />appeal and equalization powers to the county beginning, with the following year's assessment and continuing <br />unless the powers are reinstated under paragraph (c) [emphasis added]. " <br />In previous year, our understanding of M.S. 274.014, subdivision 3 was that the jurisdiction would lose their <br />board automatically for a minimum of 2 years. <br />Based on an updated interpretation of the statute, we would like to clarify the provisions of subdivision 3, <br />paragraph (a). When subdivision 3, paragraph (a) refers to "the following year's assessment", the law is <br />referring to the assessment year that follows the December I training certification deadline. For example, on <br />December 1, 2012 a board must certify that it has a trained member. If a jurisdiction does not have a trained <br />member on December 1, they lose their board for the 2013 appeal season. The jurisdiction would be able to <br />certify a trained member on December 1, 2013 to be able to hold a regular LBAE for the 2014 appeal season. <br />Therefore, the jurisdiction loses its board for a minimum of one year, and may be reinstated as long as the <br />jurisdiction can certify a trained member by December 1 of the same year that they lost their board. <br />However, if the jurisdiction had certified a trained member by December I and the board is scheduled to have a <br />LBAE meeting, but the trained member is not present and/or there is not a quorum, then the meeting will be <br />switched to an open book meeting for 2013 and the jurisdiction will additionally lose their board for the "the <br />following year's assessment". Example: A board proves compliance on December 1, 2012. The LBAE meeting <br />is scheduled for a date in 2013. At the meeting, the trained member and/or a quorum is not present. The <br />meeting must switch to open book for 2013 and the jurisdiction loses their board for the following year (2014) <br />as well. This means the jurisdiction has Iost its eligibility for a minimum of two years. <br />In summary, a board that does not certify a trained member on December 1 loses the LBAE for a minimum of <br />one assessment year. However, for a board that meets but does not have a trained member or quorum, the board <br />is lost for two years (the year that the board switches to open book as well as "the following year"). <br />This clarification goes into effect immediately. If a jurisdiction lost the LBAE in 2013 due to not having a <br />trained member and proving compliance on December 1, 2012, the jurisdiction can send someone to training <br />this year in order to prove compliance on December 1, 2013 and hold their meeting in 2014. <br />If you have any questions or concerns regarding this clarification please contact Jessi Glancey by email <br /> or by phone 651.556-6104. <br />36 <br />