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(3) To the greatest extent feasible, the Agency shall provide training and employment opportunities <br />for lower income residents within the area served by block grant assisted projects (Section 3, <br />Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, as amended). See Exhibit I — "Section 3" <br />E. Contractors and Suppliers <br />(1) No contractor,subcontractor, union or vendor engaged in any activity under this Agreement shali <br />discriminate in the sale of materials, equipment or labor on the basis of age, sex, sexual <br />orientation, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, <br />mental, or physical handicap. Such practices include upgrading, demotion, recruiting, transfer, <br />layoff, termination, pay rate, and advertisement for employment. (Executive Order 11246 as <br />amended.) <br />(2) All firms and organizations described above shall be required to submit to the Agency certificates <br />of compliance demonstrating that they have, in fact, complied with the foregoing provisions; <br />provided, that certificates of compliance shall not be required from firms and organizations on <br />contracts and/or yearly sales of less than $10,000. <br />(3) To the greatest extent feasible, the Agency shall purchase supplies and services for activities <br />under this agreement from vendors and contractors whose businesses are located in the area <br />served by block grant funded activities or owned in substantial part by project area residents, <br />(Section 3, Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, as amended.) <br />Notice <br />(1) The Agency shall include the provisions of thLappropriate preceding subsections A B C D <br />and E of this section in every contract or purchase order for goods and services under this <br />Agreement and shall send to each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a <br />collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding a notice advising the said <br />labor union or worker's representative of the commitments made in these subsections, <br />(2) In advertising for employees, goods or services for activities under this Agreement, the agency <br />shall utilize minority publications in addition to publications of general circulation. <br />LABOR STANDARDS <br />The Agency shall require that project construction contractors and subcontractors pay their laborers and <br />mechanics at wage rates in accordance with the Davis -Bacon Act, as amended (40 USG sections 327-333); <br />provided that this section shall not apply to rehabilitation of residential property designed for residential use <br />by fewer than eight families. <br />A copy of the current Federal Prevailing Wage rate and HUD forms 4010 and 92010 must be included in all <br />construction bid specs and contracts. <br />6. ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION <br />A, Any acquisition of real property for any activity assisted underthis Agreement shall comply with Title IN <br />of the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 <br />(hereinafter referred to as the Uniform Act) (42 USC section 4601) and the Regulations at 24 CFR pt. <br />42. <br />B. Any displacement of persons, business, nonprofit organizations or farms as the result of acquisition of <br />real property assisted under this Agreement shall comply with Title ll of the Uniform Act as amended <br />by the Uniform Relocation Act as amended Title IV of the Surface Transportation and Uniform <br />Relocation Assistance Act as amended (Pub. L 100-17,101 Stat. 246-256) and the Regulations at 49 <br />CFR pt. 24, The Agency shall comply with the Regulations pertaining to costs of relocation and written <br />policies, as specified by 24 CFR section 570.606 (a) & (b). <br />M <br />51 <br />