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July 25, 2013 <br />aYR14RXf=2WX AIL YAM 1DROMMUIR <br />v. <br />WWW CENTENMALFIRE ORG <br />7741 LAKE DRIVE a UNa LAKES, UN $5414 <br />PHONE 651.784.7472 o FAX 651.784.2427 <br />Honorable Mayors <br />Steering Committee Members <br />Enclosed is the budget proposal for fiscal year 2014. The budget shows a 2.82% decrease overall. There <br />are no changes in the capital equipment fund over the previous year. <br />In fourteen days, I will celebrate my fifth year anniversary with the fire district. Though I grew up <br />preparing myself for the opportunity to become a Chief someday, I could have never predicted the <br />challenges that I would face in accepting the job. Arriving in 2008, America suffered the worst financial <br />deficit of our lifetime. The housing market dropped, decreasing market values and tax revenue, <br />businesses and government cut jobs and people suffered the great loss of their financial security. Not <br />only was I forced to learn the job as Chief, I also had to find ways to accomplish what needed to be done <br />without reducing service to our communities. <br />During the past five years our staff has gone above and beyond any other department I am aware of. We <br />reorganized our staff, changed our response plan, reduced our energy usage, modified our training, <br />implemented new policies, wrote grants, increased revenue, and more. The economy created tremendous <br />personnel issues, recruitment challenges, equipment needs, and increased call volume. This has led us to <br />hire 47 new firefighters since 2008, which is a fulltime job in itself. <br />All that being said, we were able to increase the professionalism of the organization as one to emulate. It <br />is not uncommon to have people ask what we are doing to find solutions. We have improved our skills <br />and tactics to reduce risk of injury and loss for those we assist. We have made many partnerships and <br />built a fire district whose morale is higher than ever before. Above all, we were able to do this with one <br />of the lowest, if not the lowest, operating budgets in Anoka County. <br />I would be remiss if I did not give credit for all of this to the people I am honored to work with each day; <br />the firefighters of the Centennial Fire District. Over the past five years they have endured many changes <br />without resistance. They continue to give us their time, at little cost, for the significant benefit to those <br />we serve and never complain. Their commitment is commendable. <br />Attached along with this letter is the proposed budget and documents to assist your voting decision on the <br />25"'. I again thank you for the opportunity to serve here and appreciate your continued support. <br />Pride -Honor -Integrity -Professional, <br />t, <br />Jerry . S - ich <br />1~ ire h of <br />77 <br />