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From: Doug Fischer [ mailto : Doug. <br /> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:08 AM <br /> To: <br /> Cc: Dallas Larson <br /> Subject: Centerville Road Questions <br /> Mark, <br /> Thank you for your recent e-mail asking for some clarifications from the county on the Centerville Road <br /> project. I have copied your questions and provided a response in red /bold text below them. Please let <br /> me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks! <br /> At the last City Council meeting November 13th), a few residents were in attendance and were <br /> given an opportunity to address the City Council. A lengthy discussion ensued. At the end of <br /> the discussion, the City Council directed staff to ask the county two questions: <br /> 1. Would Anoka County consider completing the proposed reconstruction of CSAH 21, as it <br /> is currently proposed, with the one exception of eliminating the left turn lanes at Dupre <br /> Road. The County has already scaled back the original plan concept by eliminating left <br /> turnlanes at Hunter's Trail and Center Street based on comments we received during the <br /> public involvement process. While these two intersections are three - legged <br /> intersections, Dupre is a 4- legged intersection. Eliminating left turnlanes from this major <br /> intersection would result in motorists being tempted to bypass a left turning vehicle in the <br /> adjacent right turnlane. This is an illegal movement and could pose a hazard to motorists <br /> pulling out of Dupre onto Centerville Road. Because this intersection is part of the <br /> "reconstruction" portion of this project and not part of the "rehabilitation" part, the <br /> improvements we make with this project must be able to accommodate traffic now and <br /> for the foreseeable future. Centerville Road currently has 4,400 vpd in this area and we <br /> are expecting it to reach 9,300 vpd by 2030. This traffic level approaches the capacity <br /> of a 2 -lane roadway and the elimination of proper turnlanes would not provide the safe <br /> and effective flow of traffic on a 2 -lane highway. We have also made alignment shift <br /> changes to reduce property impacts as well. <br /> 2. Would Anoka County consider completing the proposed reconstruction of CSAH 21, as it <br /> is currently proposed, with the exceptions of eliminating the left turn lanes at Dupre Road <br /> and all of the right turn lanes on the project. With the elimination of these turn lanes, it is <br /> assumed that the shoulder widths would remain as planned through the areas where the <br /> turn lanes were eliminated. Eliminating the left turnlane at Dupre and the right turnlanes <br /> from the reconstruction portion of the project essentially guts the need for reconstruction <br /> entirely, and we do not feel that the extra cost for curb L gutter, storm sewer, and right - <br /> of -way acquisition would be justified to build an "Incomplete" project. As noted in the <br /> response above, the turnlanes provide the needed capacity for this road to remain a 2- <br /> lane facility and not require a 4 -lane design. While the addition of 8 -foot shoulders is a <br /> safety benefit, the real safety benefit comes from the turnlane construction. <br /> It is important to note that these questions are predicated on the idea that the level of <br /> improvements to the roadbed would remain the same as is proposed. The city should <br /> remember that reconstructing the road in the manner it is being proposed (lowering the profile <br /> grade) is essentially being made to turn the "rural" cross - section into an "urban" cross - section <br /> which substantially reduces the city's cost for building the bikepath along Centerville Road. The <br /> reconstruction and conversion to an urban section also provides the City benefit for the <br /> construction and associated cost share of the City storm sewer. If all we wanted to do was a <br /> 20 <br />