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CITY OF CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2012 <br />Note 4: DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS - STATEWIDE <br />A. Plan description <br /> <br /> <br />All full-time and certain part-time employees of the City of Centerville are covered by defined benefit plans <br />administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (PERA). PERA administers the General <br />Employees Retirement Fund (GERF), which is a cost-sharing, multiple-employer retirement plan. The plan is established <br />and administered in accordance with Minnesota statutes, chapters 353 and 356. <br /> <br />GERF members belong to either the Coordinated Plan or the Basic Plan. Coordinated Plan members are covered by <br />Social Security and Basic Plan members are not. All new members must participate in the Coordinated Plan. <br /> <br />PERA provides retirement benefits as well as disability benefits to members, and benefits to survivors upon death of <br />eligible members. Benefits are established by Minnesota statute, and vest after three years of credited service. The <br />defined retirement benefits are based on a members highest average salary for any five successive years of allowable <br />service, age and years of credit at termination of service. <br /> <br />Two methods are used to compute benefits for PERAs Coordinated and Basic Plan members. The retiring member <br />receives the higher of a step-rate benefit accrual formula (Method 1) or a level accrual formula (Method 2). Under <br />Method 1, the annuity accrual rate for a Basic Plan member is 2.2 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years <br />of service and 2.7 percent for each remaining year. The annuity accrual rate for a Coordinated Plan member is <br />1.2 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years and 1.7 percent for each remaining year. Under Method 2, the <br />annuity accrual rate is 2.7 percent of average salary for Basic Plan members and 1.7 percent for Coordinated Plan <br />members for each year of service. <br /> <br />For all GERF members hired prior to July 1, 1989 whose annuity is calculated using Method 1, a full annuity is available <br />when age plus years of service equal 90. Normal retirement age is 65 for Basic and Coordinated members hired prior to <br />July 1, 1989. Normal retirement age is the age for unreduced Social Security benefits capped at 66 for coordinated <br />members hired after July 1, 1989. A reduced retirement annuity is also available to eligible members seeking early <br />retirement. <br /> <br />There are different types of annuities available to members upon retirement. A normal annuity is a lifetime annuity that <br />ceases upon the death of the retiree - no survivor annuity is payable. There are also various types of joint and survivor <br />annuity options available which will reduce the monthly normal annuity amount, because the annuity is payable over <br />joint lives. Members may also leave their contributions in the fund upon termination of public service in order to qualify <br />for a deferred annuity at retirement age. Refunds of contributions are available at any time to members who leave public <br />service, but before retirement benefits begin. <br /> <br />The benefit provisions stated in the previous paragraphs of this section are current provisions and apply to active plan <br />participants. Vested, terminated employees who are entitled to benefits but are not receiving them yet are bound by the <br />provisions in effect at the time they last terminated their public service. <br /> <br />PERA issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary <br />information for GERF. That report may be obtained on the Internet at, by writing to PERA at <br />60 Empire Drive, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota 55103-2088 or by calling (651) 296-7460 or (800) 652-9026. <br />B. Funding policy <br /> <br />Minnesota statutes, chapter 353 sets the rates for employer and employee contributions. These statutes are established <br />and amended by the State legislature. The City makes annual contributions to the pension plans equal to the amount <br />required by Minnesota statutes. GERF Basis Plan members and Coordinated Plan members were required to contribute <br />9.10 percent and 6.25 percent, respectively, of their annual covered salary in 2012. In 2012, the City of Centerville was <br />required to contribute the following percentages of annual covered payroll: 11.78 percent for Basic Plan GERF members <br />and 7.25 percent for Coordinated Plan GERF members. The Citys contributions to the GERF for the year ended <br />December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 were $38,899, $45,034, and $44,431, respectively. The Citys contributions were <br />equal to the contractually required contributions for each year as set by Minnesota statute. <br />-66- <br /> <br />