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EXPLANATION OF PROOF OF SERVICE <br /> Proof of service tells the court that you have served the appropriate county officials with the required copies of the petition. Completion of this part <br /> of the form is required only on the original petition form,which you will file with the District Court Administrator's Office of the County where the <br /> property is located. Types of proof of service are provided below. Use only one of these methods of service: <br /> 1) Admission of Service: As you deliver the required copies to the county officials, have the official (or deputy of that office) sign for the <br /> copy(ies)as you deliver them. <br /> 2) Affidavit of Personal Service: If you have someone else(who is not a party to the appeal,such as a process server) deliver the required <br /> copies of the petition to the appropriate county officials,that person must sign a notarized statement that they made the delivery. <br /> ADMISSIONS OF SERVICE <br /> Service of copy(ies)of Petition is hereby admitted Service of copy(ies)of Petition is hereby admitted <br /> this day of )2014. this day of ,2014. <br /> Assessor of County. Auditor of County. <br /> By: By: <br /> Service of copy(ies)of Petition is hereby admitted Service of copy(ies)of Petition is hereby admitted <br /> this day of 12014. this day of ,2014. <br /> Treasurer of County. County Attorney of County. <br /> By: By: <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br /> ) SS. <br /> COUNTY OF ) <br /> being first duly sworn, says that in connection with the filing of this property tax petition in <br /> County,Minnesota,he/she has served the appropriate county official as follows: <br /> Delivery of true and correct copies of the petition to the County Assessor's Office on the day of <br /> 12014. <br /> Delivery of true and correct copies of the petition to the County Auditor's Office on the day of <br /> ,2014. <br /> Delivery of true and correct copies of the petition to the County Treasurer's Office on the day of <br /> 32014. <br /> Delivery of true and correct copies of the petition to the County Attorney's Office on the day of <br /> 2014. <br /> Petitioner's Agent <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me <br /> this day of 32014. <br /> Notary Public <br />