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(2) If an owner of a dog is convicted of a crime for which the dog was originally seized, the court <br />may order that the dog be confiscated and destroyed in a proper and humane manner, and that the <br />owner pay the costs incurred in confiscating, confining, and destroying the dog. <br />(G)Impoundment; notice to owner; disposition of unclaimed animals. Unrestrained animals may be taken by <br />any officer and impounded in an animal shelter. Impounded animals shall be kept for not less than five <br />days unless reclaimed by their owners. If the owner can be identified by registration, identification tag, <br />or by other means, the Animal Control Officer shall immediately, upon impoundment, notify the owner <br />by telephone, mail or personal contact of such impoundment. Animals not claimed by their owners <br />within five days may be humanely disposed of by any person or agency delegated by the city council to <br />exercise such authority. Any animal which is in the city that has been critically injured may be <br />immediately and humanely euthanized by an Animal Control Officer or by a veterinarian. <br />(H)Reclamation; pound fees. Impounded animals may be reclaimed by their owners after payment is made <br />to the city of a pound fee, in addition to boarding and other costs. All fees in the city will be established <br />from time to time by ordinance or resolution of the city council, or such expenses as otherwise set by <br />market rates where establishing fees are not practical, <br />(1) Alternative to impoundment; proceedings against owner. Notwithstanding other provisions of this <br />section, if an animal is found at large and its owner can be identified and located, such animal need not <br />be impounded but may, instead, be taken to the owner. In such case, however, proceedings may be taken <br />against the owner for violation of this chapter. <br />(J) Female animals in heal. Every female animal in heat shall be confined in a building or other secure <br />enclosure, in such a manner that the female animal cannot come into contact with another animal, except <br />for planned breeding, <br />(K) Care of and cruelty to animals. No person shall fail to provide any animal with sufficient food and <br />water, proper shelter and veterinary care when needed. No person shall beat, cruelly treat, torment or <br />otherwise abuse any animal or cause or permit any dogfight, cockfight, bullfight or other combat <br />between animals or between animals and humans. No person shall abandon an animal, <br />(L) Quarantine of biting animals. Any animal which bites a person shall be quarantined for such time as <br />may be directed by the city. During quarantine the animal shall be securely confined. At the discretion <br />of the police chief the quarantine may be on the premises of the owner. However, if the police chief <br />requires other confinement, the owner shall surrender the animal for the quarantine period to an animal <br />shelter or shall, at his own expense, place it in a veterinary hospital, <br />(M) Destruction of animals suspected of being rabid No person shall kill any animal suspected of <br />being rabid except after the animal has been placed in quarantine and the diagnosis of rabies made by a <br />licensed veterinarian. If a veterinarian diagnoses rabies in an animal in quarantine, then the animal shall <br />be humanely euthanized, <br />(N)Eiffiorcement of section. The city council may from time to time appoint such persons as may be <br />necessary to assist in the enforcement of this section. Such persons shall have limited police powers only <br />necessary for enforcement of this section, and no person shall interfere or obstruct in the exercise of <br />67 1 Page <br />